Bhuwan Thapaliya
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Covid impasse
Covid impasse

A clear sky, light wind,
antique curiosities, modern eyes.
A simple house with a little garden
and chairs to sit in and sip coffee
and look at the people
Aug 23, 2021

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

Walking the woods,
Listening to their
verdant secrets
Braving a steady drizzle is a
nostalgic joy
Aug 05, 2020

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
O’ spring
O’ spring

In her own leisurely pace
she has arrived
riding the multicolored
chariot of the flowers
May 30, 2020

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Glimpses of everyday life
Glimpses of everyday life

No noise, no chaos,no pollution;
just the Bagmati river, shimmering in the moonlight
And in the stifled light of a myriad stars.
Apr 20, 2020

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
If you were, never to say
If you were, never to say

“If you were never to say, “I love you,”
then my darling, I would paint the Sun
with the Moon and the Moon with the Sun.
Mar 10, 2020

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
We are waiting
We are waiting

“ The winter has arrived,” said my mother,
bracing against the frigid Annapurna’s wind
and the spitting snow.
Feb 21, 2020

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Nothing changes
Nothing changes

if you don’t change yourself
and your perception
towards almost everything.
As I get older, I am beginning
Feb 12, 2020

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Grandfather's grey beard
Grandfather's grey beard

Long before the dawn,
my grandfather’s
whooping cough
Feb 04, 2020

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

I lie down by the river Sunkoshi
stretching my arms toward eternity
in search of you with the stars in my eyes
Jan 29, 2020

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Shame on us
Shame on us

The heart of the democracy
is cracked open, parched and sun-dried.
And its soul has been encroached as the
public land in the Kathmandu Valley.
Jan 22, 2020