Saroj Wagle
Saroj Wagle
My City, Lifestyle, Gen-Next, Social, Article
Vote for Best Candidate
Vote for Best Candidate

In my mind, indeed, the upcoming election will be quite a tough job when it comes to demanding a vote for a particular party or an independent candidate. These days, each political candidate has promised to verbally make into his/her area more prosperous along with developmental activities. After al...
Sep 15, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Article
Wealth Management
Wealth Management

Being a curious finance student, I often think about wealth management. Wealth management or money management, when done correctly, has wide-ranging benefits for investors of all kinds —large and small. This is the reason why wealth management has come to be associated with the rich and wealthy is b...
Sep 12, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Article
Matter of Common Sense
Matter of Common Sense

Indeed, our world is more educated, fascinated, modernized and more techno-savvy than ever before. For a moment, keep aside all of these, but meanwhile, in our rat race to make progress, we often forget one important factor: which is — a big scarcity of ‘common sense.’
Sep 05, 2022

My City, Lifestyle
The Power of Poverty, Money and Love
The Power of Poverty, Money and Love

When I think about (poverty, money and love), to my mind I can sense out that all of three are interrelated to each others. Before I’d like to write something about these issues, I remember a powerful quote by Bill Gates, “If you are born poor, it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor, it’s your m...
Sep 02, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Article
Understanding Stock Market
Understanding Stock Market

In fact, two of the basic concepts of stock market trading are “bull” and “bear” markets. On the one hand, the term bull market is used to refer to a stock market in which the price of stocks is generally rising. Quite interestingly, there is no specific and universal metric used to identify a bull...
Aug 24, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Article
Investing Mantras
Investing Mantras
When I think about investing, I often remember the famous saying by Warren Buffett, “Rule Number One: Never Lose Money. Rule Number Two: Never Forget Rule Number One.” Yes, it is, indeed
Aug 23, 2022
My City, Lifestyle, Social
The Business Of Metaverse
The Business Of Metaverse

Have you ever heard about the metaverse? It is a set of technologies that allow for persistent, digital representations connected to aspects of the real world, like people, places, and things. Firstly, let us briefly understand the history of ‘metaverse’ by the term itself. The first use of the term...
Aug 04, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Article
The Future Of Money
The Future Of Money

“The Future of money: towards new wealth, work and a wiser world.” When I read this powerful research paper written by Bernard Lietaer, I don’t know why my mind is hit like a fire in a profound manner. Similarly, at the same time, when I compare new technologies with old ones, I get really amazed by...
Aug 01, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Article, Slammed
Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management

Indeed, ‘portfolio management’ is all about a concept that promotes the idea of diversification. To be honest, let me tell you that the idea of managing your own investments can feel daunting, but no matter how much money you’ve, there is a level of portfolio management right for you. Simply put, ho...
Jul 26, 2022

My City, Gen-Next, Article
Investment Discipline
Investment Discipline

In fact, there is a misconception about ‘investment’— is that a big fat money in your bank account while just getting started. However, the true fact is that the process of building a strong investment can begin with a few dollars or pennies. Yes, it is, indeed. At 11 years old Warren Buffett, for e...
Jul 22, 2022