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Showing 76011 - 76020 out of 241536 results

Burden of books

Different studies have shown that heavy school bags have multiple negative effects on students, including physical, psyc...
Jul 17, 2019

Are we a peaceful nation?

Based on Nepal’s happiness index, Nepal is a happy country because we do not have violence but we are also sad country b...
Jul 17, 2019

How an AI utopia would work

In an AI utopia, government intervention would be the norm, and private production the exception
Jul 17, 2019

Nepal practices energy banking; sends 200 MW electricity to India

KATHMANDU, July 16: The government has begun the practice of energy banking by supplying 200 MW electricity to India in...
Jul 16, 2019

Infographics: Dozens dead in India, Bangladesh, Nepal floods

Dozens of people have died and millions more have been forced from their homes after heavy monsoon floods caused devasta...
Jul 17, 2019

Province 5 ahead in budget implementation: CM Pokhrel

BUTWAL, July 16: Chief Minister of Province 5, Shankar Pokhrel, has said the province was ahead in terms of budget imple...
Jul 16, 2019

NCP party merger process concluded

KATHMANDU, July 16: The process of party merger of Nepal Communist Party (NCP) has concluded on Tuesday.
Jul 16, 2019

Sierra Leone school defies state ban on pregnant girls in class

FREETOWN, July 16: When Mariatu Sesay realised she was pregnant at 14, one thing scared her more than the social isolati...
Jul 16, 2019
My City

Katrina Kaif celebrates her 36th birthday in Mexico

What's better than ringing on your special day with friends at an exotic location? Katrina Kaif is doing it just right b...
Jul 16, 2019

Committee mulls mechanism to materialize SDGs

KATHMANDU, July 16: The Sustainable Development and Good Governance Committee of the National Assembly is prepared to se...
Jul 16, 2019
7602 of 241536