With HIV detected in Nepal in1988, the disease brought myriad misconceptions with its first diagnosis. Because of the lack of research, medication and awareness, HIV was considered a highly communicable disease which is spread through physical touch or external agents. With much research and awareness work conducted, people’s view of the infection started to take a positive turn. However, some misconceptions of HIV still persist.

DHARAN, July 2: In both the local elections of 1992 and 1997, Nepali Congress (NC) had emerged victorious in wards 1 and 4 of Dharan. Now, both the wards have been merged and named as ward no 1. As the NC has a good hold in this ward, locals had predicted NC's victory even in this election. Likewise, in ward no 2 which was formed after merging previous ward 2 and 6 the NC has a good hold and the locals were expecting its victory.

We can all name a passive-aggressive person right now. Whether it’s the friend who takes forever to get back to your texts, or the roommate who subtly puts your dirty dishes on your bed, or even the co-worker who says hi to everyone but you in the morning.