DAMAK, Jan 23:  A woman in Jhapa has been held in possession of a large cache of drugs. Manju Dhimal of Damak-1 was arrested Monday on the charge of drug trafficking. Police have confiscated 366 capsules of drugs from Dhimal.

SURKHET, Nov 11: Police have seized a large cache of explosive materials used for making bombs.

BHOJPUR, March 25: An ammunition cache has been discovered in Martel area at Salpasilicho Village Council – 5.

Cache of bullets found in Jajarkot

September 26, 2016 21:30 pm

JAJARKOT, Sept 26: A large stockpile of ammunition of modern weapons, possibly from insurgency era, has been found in Khalanga-Dolpa road section of Jajarkot district on Monday.