This is the heart-warming tale of Annie’s adventures, her escape from the orphanage and the wicked Miss Hannigan to a new life with Daddy Warbucks.

The Bhaktapur-based school, Rajarshi Gurukul bagged ‘The Best International School in Nepal 2019’ in Asian Education Leadership Awards 2019, held in Kolkata, India on September 15.

Experiences of summer splash

September 23, 2018 08:57 am

Summer is the season for outdoor fun. The ambiance it spurs encourages summer enthusiasts to hum the songs of the season. So, bidding goodbye can be a painful experience. However, our school -- Rajarshi Gurukul, has a great way to celebrate the final days of summer; we call it ‘Summer Splash’. It is a day dedicated for its students to partake in fun events comprising exciting games, music, and food.