In the pursuit of acquiring a driver's license, individuals embark on a long journey of learning, practice, and, ultimately, examination. This examination, particularly the practical test, is meant to assess competency and ensure safety on the roads. However, recent revelations by the National Vigilance Center (NVC) paint a bleak picture of this process in the Kathmandu Valley.

KATHMANDU, Jan 11: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has launched an investigation into the issue of driver's license being granted without conducting trial tests.

KATHMANDU, Feb 14: The system of passing the trial by scoring only 70 points to get a driver's license has been implemented in Bagmati Province from Tuesday.

KATHMANDU, Jan 11: The Special Court has convicted the then Deputy Secretary Anand Keshari Pokharel, Deputy Superintendent of Police Navraj Thapa, Police Inspector Murari Mishra and sentenced them to imprisonment and fines in the case of revenue leakage and alteration of driver's license results.

KATHMANDU, Nov 5: The government is going to close the online application system for driver's license from November 17.

KATHMANDU, August 11: The Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, under the federal government, passed the guideline that one should obtain at least 70 points in the practical examination (trial) of the driver's license. Earlier, Bagmati, Madhesh and Karnali Province hesitated to implement the guideline.