Actor-singer Ali Zafar has filed a defamation suit in a district court here against singer Meesha Shafi, who accused him of sexual harassment two months ago on social media. The suit claims damages of Rs 1 billion.

KATHMANDU, Mar 30: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli will follow suit of his predecessors by making his first foreign trip to India from April 6-8.

HONG KONG, June 1: Former Manchester United defender Viv Anderson believes Jose Mourinho will look to return to the club's traditional footballing values after securing a Champions League place in his first season in charge at Old Trafford.

RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 8: The youngest competitor at the Rio Olympics ripped her swimsuit minutes before her race on Sunday but still managed to beat her two rivals.

The Pink Suit

July 2, 2016 12:55 pm

The story of a leader of the proletariat and a simple tailor

KATHMANDU, June 30: Two days after YouTube took down the much controversial short film ‘Kriti’ over copyright claims by Aneel Neupane,, producers of the said short film, are set to file a defamation suit against Neupane, reported IANS.