GORKHA, April 21: A group of 11 workers were walking along the Aabukhaireni-Gorkha Highway on Sunday evening. They are on a long journey home to Surkhet, some 500 kilometers from Gorkha. They were carrying bags loaded with their belongings. Sound of a vehicle passing by alerts them, and hoping for a lift from a kindhearted passerby.

LALITPUR, April 18: A group of 47 people who were stranded in Lubhu, Lalitpur have been sent to their villages on Saturday afternoon with the help of local authorities.

LALITPUR, April 18: A group of 47 people have been stranded in Lubhu, Lalitpur as they were trying to return homes to Sindhuli by foot from the Valley on the 26th day of the ongoing nationwide lockdown.