July 31: The deterioration of motor skills in Parkinson's patients is driven by the decline of dopamine production, but researchers in Japan are making exciting progress on a way to potentially arrest the slide. Following promising experiments on monkeys last year, scientists at Kyoto University are now preparing to begin transplanting reprogrammed stem cells into human brains as part of a first-of-a-kind clinical trial.

Doctors say a stem cell transplant could be a "game changer" for many patients with multiple sclerosis.

Empowering women through stem

March 8, 2018 08:57 am

Though there might be a negligible number of girl students taking computer or technical subjects, it is even rare to find them making a career out of such fields. Pratiksha Pandey and Binita Shrestha are two among that relatively small population of women who not only survived the four years of their engineering but are also working in the field.

The importance of woman in STEM

December 8, 2017 08:10 am

STEM here stands for the careers that parents, teachers and society in general have struggled to motivate students, female students in particular, to pursue. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or STEM, thus, has become renowned as a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in these specific disciplines. Last month, Irina Sthapit, 24, coordinator at Karkhana received an invitation to join and represent Nepal in one of their latest initiatives, International Visitors Leadership Program's (IVLP) Hidden No More: Empowering Women Leaders in STEM.

New STEM Lab in Kanjirowa

June 10, 2017 07:44 am

KATHMANDU: Former US Ambassador Theodore Kronmiller and Michael Kronmiller jointly inaugurated the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) lab at Kanjirowa National Secondary School on Thursday.

Julius Baer (BAER.S) executives have told U.S. prosecutors that a former employee acted alone when he allegedly helped funnel kickbacks and bribery payments to a football official in the Americas, people familiar with the investigation told Reuters.

KATHMANDU, Sept 13: The state-owned Nepal Food Corporation will supply around 3,000 goats for this festive season to ease the burden on market demand and stem a possible steep rise in price.