KATHMANDU, Aug 14: A recent study has revealed that all Indian brands of salt and sugar, regardless of their size, packaging, or type, contain microplastics. The research, conducted by the environmental organization Toxics Link, tested a variety of salt and sugar samples purchased from online and local markets, including table salt, rock salt, sea salt, and different types of sugar.

KATHMANDU, July 2: Salt Trading Corporation Limited has increased the price of salt.

KATHMANDU, Sept 26: The government has decided to run the fair-price shops in view of the upcoming festivals from October 8 to November 19.

JANAKI, July 19: The Salt Trading Corporation (STC) Limited, Lumbini provincial office, Nepalgunj, has stocked a total of 2,786 quintals of salt as of the previous fiscal year, 2022/23.

KALILOT, March 13: Ganesh Budha of Rupsa, Kalikot Narahari Nath Rural Municipality-4, came to the Salt Trading Corporation Limited office in Khandachakra Municipality-1 of Kalikot on Sunday to buy salt. The office gave him only five kilos of salt, citing a shortage.

Recipe: Chocolate Truffles

December 21, 2019 17:30 pm

Well! it looks hard to make these chocolaty dish but truffles are easy to make. You just need some good-quality ingredients. Here’s how to do it.

High sodium intake results in elevated blood pressure, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In China, cardiovascular disease – which includes heart attack and stroke – now accounts for 40% of deaths.

JAJARKOT, June 8: With 90 per cent salt in a liter of water collected from Khara Stream, Jajarkot could have possibilities of becoming a salt mine.

TIKAPUR, May 25: People in the bordering villages of Kailali district have been consuming substandard salt which is smuggled into the country from India via the porous border. Indians have been supplying the non-iodized salt in the bordering villages on their bicycles.

HUMLA, Jan 23: The Salt Trading Corporation (STC), Humla has refuted media reports stating the district is under the crisis of salt.

Rukum locals pay Rs 30 for salt

December 2, 2017 16:49 pm

EAST RUKUM, Dec 2: A packet of salt costs nine rupees. However, residents of East Rukum, one of the youngest districts of Nepal, are forced to pay three times the amount as the district lacks a storage facility.

DIPAYAL, May 29: When the country was holding the first election after the downfall of Rana oligarchy in 1958, the main agenda of the election campaigns was to make easy availability of salt in the hilly districts of Far-western Development Region.

BAJHANG, Jan 31: Pregnant women and new mothers in over two dozen of VDCs in Bajhang district have been deprived of iodized salt as the salt has not been supplied to those areas. The women say they hardly have any idea about the salt. The government has limited the availability of iodized salt only to the district headquarters Chainpur, depriving locals of remote areas of the much-needed salt.

KATHMANDU, Jan 31: Salt Trading Corporation (STC) has proposed to the government to increase the price of iodized salt.

KATHMANDU, Jan 31: Salt Trading Corporation (STC) has proposed to the government to increase the price of iodized salt.

SOLUKHUMBU, Dec 19: The cost of a kilo of iodized salt at Rs 180 is a compulsion for the locals of the remote Forche village at Khumjung – 9 in Solukhumbu.

No shortage of salt in Far west

November 13, 2016 16:07 pm

DHANGADI, Nov 13: The Salt Trading Corporation has refuted the rumor that the Far Western Development region was witnessing the shortage of salt.

GORKHA, July 25: The price of one of the daily consumable commodities in kitchen, salt, has skyrocketed in the northern part of Gorkha district, a relatively remote settlement.

Salt mine in Upper Mustang in limbo

July 17, 2016 17:05 pm

MUSTANG, July 17: Due to the sheer negligence of the government, salt mine located in Upper Mustang has remained close since many years. In the past years, the salt was processed using traditional skills and techniques and was supplied to different parts of the country.