KATHMANDU, July 19: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, expressing his commitment to strengthening the economy, has urged the private sector to trust the government.

KATHMANDU, May 24: The private sector has expressed deep concern over the arrest of Kailash Sirohiya, the chairman of Kantipur Media Group, stating that the arrest has further dampened the morale of entrepreneurs.

KATHMANDU, May 17: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has asked the private sector to invest in the country's hydropower sector with confidence, stating that an agreement has been signed with India to export 10,000 megawatts of power from Nepal in a decade.

KATHMANDU, May 10: While the government is drafting the budget for next fiscal year, private sector and economists have recommended the government to bring in programs to lift the confidence of the private sector.

KATHMANDU, May 8: The private sector has demanded the government to set the quality standards of imported goods citing these goods are adversely affecting similar goods being produced domestically.

The investment summit will have a long-term impact, showcasing the possibility and opportunity of investment. The task of elucidating Nepal to investors and enticing them for investment can be accomplished during the investment summit. Its results become evident in the long run, as investors evaluate the development potential of the projects presented at the summit. At present, the risk-bearing capacity of investors has decreased.

KATHMANDU, April 23: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal stressed taking the private sector into confidence and spreading a message that there is an investment-friendly environment in the country.

KATHMANDU, April 23: To attract domestic and foreign investors, the government has amended nine laws through an ordinance. These amendments are made on the eve of the Nepal Investment Summit-2024 and address long-standing complaints from the private sector that the existing laws hinder the creation of an investment-friendly environment in the country.

Despite the private sector's recommendations to amend about two dozen laws to promote both foreign and domestic investment in the country, the government has yet to make any changes. With only a week left before the Nepal Investment Summit-2024 begins, where the government aims to attract foreign investment, the private sector is concerned about the absence of legal reform

KATHMANDU, April 20: The private sector is ahead of the government in terms of the construction and production of hydropower projects. According to the electricity production details of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) as of mid-March, the private sector leads in electricity production compared to the government.

KATHMANDU, April 19: The upcoming third Nepal Investment Summit scheduled for April 28 and 29 will feature 19 hydropower projects from the private sector.

KATHMANDU, April 10: Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies, Damodar Bhandari, has said aspirations for economic prosperity will remain unmet in the absence of collaboration with the private sector.

KATHMANDU, Feb 6: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) seems to have fallen behind in meeting its target of the banks’ lending for the private sector due to slow growth seen in the segment in over six months of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Jan 2: The private sector has criticized the government for bragging about the improvement in external sector indicators to cast a shadow to the existing problems of the domestic economy, stating that the economy is rather grappling with recession.

KATHMANDU, Dec 9: The private sector welcomed the first quarterly review of the monetary policy for the current fiscal year unveiled by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) on Friday.

KATHMANDU, Nov 21: The government is going to collect feedback and suggestions from the private sector on what can be done to further revitalize the economy of the country.

KATHMANDU, Nov 12: Private sector lending by Nepali banks and financial institutions (BFIs) increased by Rs 109.03 billion in the first three months of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Sept 15: Private sector electricity developers have expressed their dissatisfaction over the proposed Electricity Bill 2023, which has been awaiting approval of parliament.

KATHMANDU, Aug 15: The government has started holding discussions with stakeholders including the private sector, donor agencies, development partners and regulatory bodies after expected improvement was not seen in the economy despite the government's positive interventions.

KATHMANDU, July 24: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has been cautiously flexible towards the private sector through the monetary policy for 2023/24.

KATHMANDU, June 17: Hydropower promoters from the private sector have urgently appealed to the government to grant them permission to trade electricity, citing their eligibility to engage in both domestic and international electricity trading.

KATHMANDU, June 17: The private sector is concerned that the investment worth Rs 80 billion made by private investors is at risk as the Gautam Buddha International Airport (GBIA) is not fully operational.

BHAKTAPUR, May 23: The Transport Management Office, Bhaktapur, has given permission to the private sector to conduct a written examination for driving license without informing concerned ministry of Bagmati Province.

KATHMANDU, May 19: Nepal’s private sector has been contributing around 81.55 percent to the Nepali economy, shows a study report unveiled jointly by the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) and International Finance Corporation (IFC).

KATHMANDU, May 2: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has stressed the need for the cooperation of the private sector for the country's development.

KATHMANDU, April 4: Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supply, Ramesh Rijal, has said cooperation from the private sector was essential to solve the problems relating to the national economy.

KATHMANDU, March 3: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport Narayan Kaji Shrestha has asserted that the incumbent government has taken seriously the overall economy and the issues of the private sector.

The NRB has given two and a half years time to the borrowers who are using more than the limit set by the working capital loan guidelines 2079BS to bring them within the limit.

KATHMANDU, Jan 5: Bowing to the pressure of the private sector, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has amended the Working Capital Loan Guidelines 2022.

KATHMANDU, Dec 28: The private sector stakeholders, who had been protesting against the government and Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) for the past one month, have withdrawn their protests after the government pledged to address their demands.

KATHMANDU, Dec 5: The private sector has come down heavily on the government’s policies that have been blamed for fueling the current financial crisis in the country.

KATHMANDU, Nov 18: The government has requested the private sector to give two days of public holiday in their industries, corporation and offices for the November 20 elections to the House of Representatives and the Provincial Assembly.

KATHMANDU, Nov 8: The promotion of biogas in the country is not encouraging due to the lack of friendly policies and working procedures. Though the private sector has the leading role in the promotion of the biogas technology in the country, it faces hurdles to deliver expected results in absence of revisions in the grant policies compatible with the time and absence of private sector–friendly policies and working procedures, stakeholders claimed.

KATHMANDU, Nov 3: Private sectors have blamed the deepening liquidity crisis in the country’s banking system to the defective policies implemented by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB).

KATHMANDU, Oct 1: The government has expedited preparations to bring an ordinance to amend the Electricity Act, 2049 BS to pave the way for private sector’s involvement in power trade.

SINDHUPALCHOWK, Sept 24: The operation and management of the Tatopani dry port customs office at Tatopani– one of the two main gateways for trade between Nepal and China– will be done through the private sector for the first time.

KATHMANDU, August 19: The government and the private sector have urged Indian investors to invest in Nepal.

KATHMANDU, August 13: Nepali Congress General Secretary Gagan Kumar Thapa has said that the government cannot provide health insurance to the private sector.

KATHMANDU, August 10: The CPN-UML has objected to the fact that the health insurance program is being entrusted to the private sector.

KATHMANDU, May 18: The government has planned to involve the private sector in construction of infrastructure projects through the budget for 2022/23.

KATHMANDU, May 2: Finance Minister Janardan Sharma has said that the conflict between the Ministry of Finance and the private sector over tax collection should end.

KATHMANDU, April 29: Finance Minister Janardan Sharma has underscored the need for boosting government-private sector cooperation so that economic development could be realized.

KATHMANDU, April 8: Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, Pampha Bhusal has urged the private sector to help build a prosperous Nepal while remaining committed to socialism based on democratic values.

KATHMANDU, March 15: More than 80 percent of seeds are supplied by the private sector in Nepal. The seed companies run by private sectors supply 80 percent cereal seeds and 90 percent vegetable seeds in the country.

KATHMANDU, March 1: Nepal’s private sector has welcomed the ratification of the US-funded Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact agreement through parliament.

KATHMANDU, Feb 19: Private sector has expressed its skepticism that the mid-term review of monetary policy may not help solve existing liquidity crunch in the banking system as the revised policy has mostly focused on enforcing short-term instruments rather than introducing measures to ensure long term solutions.

KATHMANDU, Jan 28: Minister for Education, Science and Technology Devendra Poudel has said a partnership with the private sector would be forged to bring about good results in public education.

KATHMANDU, Jan 20: Private sector has requested the government to provide subsidies to raise interest rates on the remittance earnings to facilitate migrant workers to send money they earned through banking channels.

KATHMANDU, Jan 20: Finance Minister Janardan Sharma has said that the problems of the private sector would be addressed through policy measures.

KATHMANDU, Dec 18: The government is mulling over involving private sector hydropower producers in cross-border electricity trade, at a time when Bangladesh has expressed its will to purchase electricity from the Nepali private sector.