KATHMANDU, June 20: The Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) on Thursday mopped Rs 50 billion from the banking system, following an increase in liquidity in the market.

KATHMANDU, March 4: Analysts and economists have criticized the government for its failure to remain within the framework of its announced austerity measures such that it has adversely affected the economic growth rate while raising the public debt significantly.

Our financial landscape has lately witnessed a notable shift—banks are now experiencing an influx of liquidity. This surplus liquidity in the market has led to a reduction in deposit interest rates across various banks. This adjustment reflects the changing dynamics of the financial sector. While lowering interest rates is a step in the right direction, it is not the sole solution. The current abundance of liquidity offers a distinctive opportunity for financial institutions to play a pivotal role in reinvigorating the economy that is on the verge of a recession.

KATHMANDU, Jan 14: The Nepal Rastra Bank has injected Rs.3007.75 billion liquidity in the market in the last five months.

KATHMANDU, Dec 12: The Nepal Rastra Bank’s (NRB) Governor Maha Prasad Adhikari on Monday said that the liquidity problem in the country’s banking system has gradually been solved.

KATHMANDU, OCT 29: As a part of its effort to ease the ongoing liquidity crisis with the bank and financial institutions (BFIs), Nepal Rastra Bank has expedited preparations to provide them with daily liquidity services.

KATHMANDU, Sept 24: The Credit to Deposit (CD) ratio with banks has come down to 87.30 percent from over the threshold of 90 percent a few weeks ago.

KATHMANDU, Sept 7: The government is extending the timeline allowing banks to consider up to 80 percent of the reserve funds of local governments in their deposit by another six months, citing the deepening liquidity crisis with the banks.

KATHMANDU, August 12: The National Cooperative Federation of Nepal (NCF) has urged its member cooperatives not to distribute cash dividends to their members, citing the ongoing liquidity shortage in the cooperatives.

KATHMANDU, July 20: Commercial banks got some respite from the pressure of liquidity crunch in the last month of the last fiscal year as they gathered additional deposits worth Rs 141 billion in their system compared to a drop in loans issuance in one month of mid-June and mid-July.

KATHMANDU, June 28: The banks and financial institutions (BFIs) collected deposits of Rs 5 billion in the past one month.

KATHMANDU, Feb 13: A group of former finance ministers have held discussions about the economic problems such as liquidity crunch in banking and financial institutes, and the issues for the coming budget. Amid growing liquidity crunch in the banking system, the meeting of the Former Finance Ministers' Forum held discussion to this regard on Saturday.

KATHMANDU, Feb 8: Banks’ improper policies for deposit collection and mobilization, besides many other factors, has been found to be responsible for the ongoing problem of liquidity shortage.

KATHMANDU, Jan 23: Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) index on Sunday fell 10.83 points to close at 2,920.51 points.

KATHMANDU, Jan 11: Commercial banks were able to collect additional deposits of Rs 59 billion over the past one week, which has given the banks some cushion at a time when they have been facing a liquidity shortfall.

KATHMANDU, Dec 27: National Cooperative Bank Limited (NCBL) has set up a liquidity management fund worth Rs 2 billion, citing to help those cooperatives facing the problem of liquidity crunch.

KATHMANDU, Dec 7: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) is investing more than Rs 3 billion in the fixed deposits of banks and financial institutions (BFIs).

KATHMANDU, Nov 11: In an attempt to ease a growing shortfall of liquidity in the banking system, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) is injecting an additional Rs 20 billion in the domestic financial system on Thursday.

KATHMANDU, September 17: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) on Thursday injected an additional Rs 20 billion in the domestic financial system in an attempt to ease a growing shortfall of liquidity in the banking system.

KATHMANDU, March 30: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has introduced a number of relief measures aimed at providing relaxation on repayment of loans for businesses and individuals impacted by the Covid-19, ease liquidity in the banking system and promote electronic transactions and payment.

KATHMANDU, June 9: Banks and financial institutions have no plans to reduce their interest rates at least within the current fiscal year 2017/18.

KATHMANDU, April 24: Nepal Bankers Association (NBA) -- the umbrella organization of 28 commercial banks -- has decided to give continuity to the cap on fixed and saving deposit rates.

Yubaraj Khatiwada, former governor of Nepal Rastra Bank and former vice-chairman of National Planning Commission, was involved in drafting election manifesto of the Left Alliance. He is also thought of as a key architect of economic policies to be adopted by the upcoming government. What does the left governance have in store vis-à-vis Nepal’s economy and its economic relation with foreign donors? Mahabir Paudyal and Sagar Ghimire met the veteran economist to discuss a range of economic issues.

KATHMANDU, Jan 2: The Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) has urged the Prime Minister to take initiatives for promptly addressing the problem the industries and business sectors are facing due to the prevailing liquidity in the country's economy.

No liquidity crunch in market: NRB

February 1, 2017 19:36 pm

KATHMANDU, Feb 1: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has clarified that there is no liquidity crunch in the finance market.

KATHMANDU, Jan 31: While bank and financial institutions (BFIs) are raising their fixed deposit rates rapidly to lure deposits to overcome the shortage of loan-able funds, many bankers say such move is less likely to pump money into the banking system.

KATHMANDU, Jan 10: As banks and financial institutions (BFIs) up their  'aggressive' lending, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has taken a cautious strategy of tightening liquidity (loan-able funds) to curb any lending binge, particularly in unproductive sectors.

KATHMANDU, Jan 7: Bank and financial institutions (BFIs), which have been seeking financing facility from the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) to ease 'liquidity crunch' problem, have showed reluctance to receive funds from the central bank under repo having two-week maturity.

KATHMANDU, Jan 5: Running out of funds to extend new loans due to liquidity crunch, banks are now turning up to Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) for financing facility.

KATHMANDU, Nov 7: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) mopped up Rs 85.05 billion of liquidity from bank and financial institutions (BFIs) in the first two months of the current Fiscal Year 2016/17.

KATHMANDU, Oct 29: Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) index plunged 22.68 points this week to close at 1,759.71 points on Thursday -- the last trading day of the week.

KATHMANDU, Aug 20: Here is some good news for people who are fed up with ultra-low interest rates offered by bank and financial institutions (BFIs).

KATHMANDU, June 13: Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) recorded record high turnover of Rs 1.96 billion on Sunday as the bullish stock market continued to benefit from excess liquidity in banking system. Average daily turnover of the stock market was around Rs 350 million last year.