RASUWA, June 21: The Rasuwa Customs Office has collected fines amounting to Rs 585.5 million from traders attempting to evade revenue by understating the quantity of materials imported from China.

KATHMANDU, Dec 25: In the first five months of the current fiscal year (FY) - from the Nepali month of Shrawan to Mangsir - Nepal has witnessed a notable surge in the consumption of petrol, diesel, and gas, with a total import of 854,150 kiloliters. This marks an eight percent increase compared to the same period in the previous fiscal year when 782,533 kiloliters of fossil fuel was imported.

KATHMANDU, Oct 29: Imports have increased in the third month of the current financial year (FY). According to the data released by the Department of Customs on Sunday, imports have increased by 1.69 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

KATHMANDU, Sept 26: The volume of petroleum imports has seen a decline from Shrawan (mid-July to mid-August) to Bhadra (mid-August to mid-September) in the current fiscal year.

BIRATNAGAR, July 12: In a concerted effort to boost business activities in Biratnagar, authorities led by the Biratnagar Metropolitan City have taken measures to curb imports through the border without paying the customs duty. A discussion held on Tuesday highlighted the need to tighten customs regulations and halt the import of various goods, including food grains, without proper duty payment.

KATHMANDU, May 9: The government has granted permission for a returnee migrant worker to bring an additional mobile device while returning home.

KATHMANDU, March 29: A total of 2,380 imported automobiles and trucks loaded with imported goods have remained stranded at the Birgunj Dry Port after the importers were reluctant for customs clearance, citing the low demand at present.

KATHMANDU, Feb 22: Nepal imported 2,009 units of electric vehicles (EVs) in the first seven months of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Jan 15: The pressure on Nepal’s external sector, which had been persisting for almost one year, has now eased at the back of an increased remittance earnings and fall in imports.

KATHMANDU, Dec 3: Nepal imported more than 1,000 units of electric vehicles (EVs) in the first four months of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Nov 20: The imports of agricultural products declined 32 percent in the first three months of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, OCT 31: Nepal imported 705 units of electric vehicles (EVs) in the first quarter of the current fiscal year, almost five-folds of the number imported during the same period last year.

KATHMANDU, OCT 18: Entrepreneurs have imported electric decorative lights worth around Rs 200 million for Tihar, which is round the corner.

KATHMANDU, Oct 11: An estimated two million units of marigold garlands will be used in the upcoming Tihar, the festival of light.

KATHMANDU, Sept 16: The Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) has launched the Mobile Device Management System (MDMS) to discourage illegal import, sale and distribution of mobile phone sets.

KATHMANDU, August 30: More than 400 trucks carrying goods imported from China have remained stranded at the Nepal-China borders for more than a month following restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on cross-border movement, affecting bilateral trade.

KATHMANDU, July 28: Nepal imported agriculture products worth Rs 378.60 billion in 2021/22, which was Rs 55 billion more than the import expenses on the headings of the previous year.

KATHMANDU, July 13: Nepal spent Rs 292.77 billion to import petroleum products in the first 11 months of the current fiscal year, which was 88.7 percent more than the imported amount of fossil fuels during the review period last year.

KATHMANDU, June 22: Nepal imported petroleum products worth over Rs 340 billion in the first 11 months of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Feb 2: Nepal imported fresh vegetables worth Rs 22.51 billion during the first six months of the current fiscal year - Rs 3.29 billion more than that of the same period last year.

KATHMANDU, Jan 25: Nepal imported 1,103 units of electric vehicles (EVs) in the first half of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Jan 14: The total merchandise import increased by 59.5 percent to Rs 838.41 billion in the first five months of the current Fiscal Year 2021/22.

KATHMANDU, Jan 1: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has reduced the mandatory ceiling of opening the letter of credit (LC) account while importing goods from India.

KATHMANDU, Dec 26: Nepal imported mobile phone sets worth Rs 22.97 billion in the first five months of the current fiscal year, which was 10.37 percent more than the imports during the same period in the last fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Dec 21: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has asked importers of selected luxury items to maintain cent percent cash margin to open letter of credit (LC) accounts, targeting to tighten the noose on the import of such products.

KATHMANDU, Nov 24: Finance Minister Janardan Sharma said the government will take stern measures to reduce imports to maintain the country’s foreign currency reserves.

KATHMANDU, Nov 7: An excess import of flowers has led to large quantities of domestically produced flowers going to waste  during this Tihar, which made the domestic farmers face heavy financial losses.

KATHMANDU, OCT 1: Nepal imported sanitizers worth Rs 56.50 million in the first two months of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Sept 29: Nepal imported automobiles worth Rs 21.84 billion in the first two months of the current fiscal year, mainly with an increasing purchase of electric vehicles.

RASUWA, July 22: A significant number of vehicles has been imported from China. A total of 568 vehicles, small and big, were imported from China through the Rasuwa customs point, Timure, in the previous fiscal year, 2020/21, said the customs office.

KATHMANDU, March 29: Nepal imported facemasks worth Rs 533.84 million in the first eight months of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Jan 19: The import of electric vehicles dropped heavily after the government revised the customs duty on environment-friendly automobiles through the budget this year.

KATHMANDU, Dec 19: The Federation of Nepal Printers’ Associations (FNPA) has said that the government’s move to revoke the tariff imposed earlier on the imported books will adversely affect the domestic publishers.

KATHMANDU, Feb 17: Though the government had set a target to keep the consumer price rise below 6 percent, the average inflation has reached 6.41 percent in the first six months of the current fiscal year 2019/20.

KATHMANDU, Aug 3: Though economists are positive about gradual shift of imports through Vishakapatnam from Kolkata, they recommend bringing Electronic Cargo Tracking System (ECTS) into the legal framework, stating that it will end the monopoly of shipping companies.

KATHMANDU, July 24: Forty-five percent of the total land in the country is covered with forest. Despite this, the country's dependence on other countries for timber is growing.

BHAIRAHAWA, May 29: Local farmers have breathed a sigh of relief after the government tightened imports of livestock like goats and sheep from India.

Erosion of political capital

May 7, 2019 01:25 am

The present economic model of Nepal has a number of interesting structural characteristics. First, it focuses on imports. The government gets most of its revenue from import which is the basis for financing public expenditure, mostly regular expenditure necessary for the functioning of the state. In an import-based revenue structure, there is an embedded incentive to maintain luxury imports.

KATHMANDU, April 24: Minister for Finance Yuba Raj Khatiwada has said that the government would not prefer uncontrolled imports just to meet its revenue targets.

External sector position worsens further

February 15, 2019 12:39 pm

KATHMANDU, Feb 15: The balance of payment (BoP) position of the country continued to slip in the deficit in the first six months of Fiscal Year 2018/19, indicating that the external sector position of the country is worsening.

JAPAN, Sept 3: Japan's major oil companies are preparing to halt all of the crude oil imports from Iran in October due to fears Washington will sanction countries importing Iranian crude, AFP reported Monday, citing Jiji Press agency.

NEW DELHI, Aug 6: With the US imposing additional 25 percent duty on imports worth $34 billion from China, certain Indian products may become more competitive, CII said on Sunday.

BIRGUNJ, Aug 6: Pepper imports through Birgunj Customs Office jumped more than six folds in Fiscal Year 2017/18 ending in mid-July.

WASHINGTON DC, Aug 1:The Trump administration is considering more than doubling its planned tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports, ratcheting up pressure on Beijing to return to the negotiating table, three people familiar with the internal deliberations said.

BEIJING, July 24: China’s Commerce Ministry launched an anti-dumping investigation on Monday into stainless steel imports from four countries. Domestic producers have complained that a flood of cheaper products has damaged the local industry.

BIRGUNJ, July 20: The number of containers coming to Sirsiya Dry Port in Birgunj from third countries via Indian ports increased by nearly 25 percent in Fiscal Year 2017/18. This suggests a healthy growth in the country's third-country imports via the dry port.

BEIJING, July 6: Just hours after the United States introduced 25 percent trade tariffs on $34 billion worth of Chinese goods, Beijing has retaliated with mirror measures against American imports.

BIRGUNJ, May 19: Sirsiya dry port located in Birgunj is struggling to handle the increasing import of fertilizer, livestock feed, maize, beans, raw materials for iron products and container cargo from third countries.

KATHMANDU, May 7: Minister for Agricultural, Land Management and Cooperatives, Chakra Pani Khanal, has said that making the country self-sufficient in most of the agricultural products will be the main agenda during his five-year term.

MOSCOW, April 13: Russia’s lower house of parliament is to consider draft legislation that would give the Kremlin powers to ban or restrict a list of U.S. imports, reacting to new U.S. sanctions on a group of Russian tycoons and officials.