KATHMANDU, July 18: The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has stepped up efforts to tighten the noose on unproductive expenditure being made on purchase of new vehicles by the government offices.

KATHMANDU, March 17: Many may not be aware that certain government offices remain open even on public holidays. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) issued a notice in the gazette on March 16, 2023, declaring that government offices providing essential services would operate on 18 types of public holidays.

KATHMANDU, Jan 30: All government offices across the country will be open till 5 PM from today. The government in a notice published in the National Gazette on March 16, 2023 said that the office hours will be from 10 AM to 5 PM from today.

KATHMANDU, Nov 8: The Language Commission has expressed concern that the Nepali language has been neglected as the language of government work and that the Constitution itself has been violated. In the seventh annual report submitted by the Commission to President Ram Chandra Paudel, the government offices have been accused of neglecting the Nepali language.

KATHMANDU, Oct 30: 'Efficient civil administration, development, prosperity and good governance' is the slogan of the government. This slogan is prominently displayed on the walls of ministries and government buildings within Singha Durbar. In the government's annual budget, it is mentioned that corruption will be controlled and good governance will be provided for the people. In the Constitution of Nepal and Good Governance (Management and Operation) Act 2064 BS, there is a clear mention of controlling corruption and ensuring good governance.

Mockery of Austerity Measures

July 29, 2023 07:15 am

In times of economic hardship and budget constraints, it is imperative for the government to practice what it preaches. The recent unveiling of austerity measures, including the abolition of government offices through the annual budget for the Fiscal Year 2022/23, might have seemed like a step in the right direction.

KATHMANDU, May 26: The government has announced the dissolution of unnecessary government offices, development committees, projects, trusts and departments in the fiscal year 2080/81 BS.

KATHMANDU, March 7: The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply (MoICS) has issued a circular to all government offices to consume Nepali goods and products.

KASKI, Jan 25: Most of the offices providing public services in Kaski district have reduced their services with the increase in the number of infected persons during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

KATHMANDU, Dec 17: Nepal Telecom is set to provide free internet and telephone services to government offices across the country.

KATHMANDU, Oct 17: Government offices across the country including the Kathmandu Valley that remained closed for the Dashain festival have resumed after a closure for five days.

Let there be no server breakdown

January 30, 2021 08:00 am

As offices in Nepal have been facing several server downs every single day, cloud computing can be a reliable option to provide services to the people.

KATHMANDU, July 28:  Though it's already been 13 years since the implementation of the Right to Information Act to provide information to the public, there still are many offices being run without naming their information officers.

SARLAHI, July 20: Various government buildings along with dozens of private houses have been waterlogged in the district headquarters Malangwa due to rainfall continued since Sunday morning.

KATHMANDU, June 15: Government offices are operating in two shifts from Monday in line with the Cabinet decision on June 10.  The offices will be run from 8 am to 1 pm in the first shift and from 1 pm to 6 pm in the second shift.

KATHMANDU, June 11: The government has decided to open its offices in two shifts effective from June 15.

BIRENDRANAGAR, Oct 19: On March 25, 2019, chief minister of Karnali Province, Mahendra Bahadur Shahi said browsing social media during office hours will be banned in government offices of Karnali.

KATHMANDU, Sept 15: The Accountability Lab’s Nepal chapter has selected five government offices as part of its annual reality show to select honest government offices.

BARA, July 1: On June 27, the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), Hetauda, arrested Aaspuran Kushwaha red handed while accepting bribe. Later, it was learnt that he was deployed by the section officer of the Planning Department of Prasauni Rural Municipality, Binod Yadav, to collect bribe from the consumer committee.