Podcasts are a great way to learn more about a topic you’re interested in. Researchers have found out that hearing a human voice narrate information interacts with your brain the same way an interesting story does, keeping it engaged and helping your brain retain this information quickly and for a long period of time. This week, we bring you eight podcasts that provide vital information and advice on health, fitness and nutrition that could go a long way in keeping your fit and healthy.

KATHMANDU, March 26: The government has urged one and all to stay home throughout the week-long lockdown. The job holders are strongly advised not to go to the office and work from their respective homes.  Now, people are trying to maintain social distancing putting themselves in self-isolation as advised by various international agencies including WHO.  It is tedious for everyone to stay home 24\7 without doing something.

Unreported lives: The snake guy

August 2, 2019 07:16 am

There are many things Rohit Giri is passionate about: Photography, traveling and animals are a few areas of interest. But it is his fascination with snakes that takes center stage. Giri has rescued many snakes and spends all his free time trying to learn everything there is to know about these often-feared creatures. He says he wishes people would show them a little kindness.

Art is definitely the reflection of life where artists’ emotions flow on the canvas impressing their thoughts and experiences. Their medium may vary where the hues and motifs they use to depict their inner thoughts and feelings create masterpieces.