KATHMANDU, June 29: On Everest's sacred slopes, climate change is thinning snow and ice, increasingly exposing the bodies of hundreds of mountaineers who died chasing their dream to summit the world's highest mountain.

KATHMANDU, May 28: An Indian climber rescued from Everest has died in hospital, a Nepali tourism official said Tuesday, taking the number of fatalities this season on the world's highest mountain to eight.

KATHMANDU, May 23: A Kenyan climber has died close to Everest's summit and his Nepali guide is missing, a tourism official said Thursday, taking this season's toll on the world's highest mountain to at least three.

KATHMANDU, May 17: Nepal has banned the sale of four spice products produced in India. The government has prohibited three spice products from MDH and one from Everest.

KATHMANDU, June 22: Hong Kong resident Tsang Yin-Hung, who made the fastest ascent of Mount Everest by any woman, and dozens of other mountaineers from China are unable to get out of Nepal because of COVID-19 restrictions imposed by Beijing, they said.

KATHMANDU, May 27: Heavy snowfall in the Sagarmatha region has affected the climbers as some of them had to return after making it as far as South Col.

The body of an American national who died two years ago in the Everest region has been found on Saturday. According to the police, the deceased has been identified as Christopher John Kulis, who died during his descent from the summit of Mt Everest on May 27, 2019.

SHANGHAI, May 15: China has decided to cancel the 2021 spring climbing season from the Tibetan side of Mount Everest, the world's tallest peak, because of coronavirus concerns, the official Xinhua news agency said on Saturday.

CHINA, May 10: China will set up "a line of separation" at the summit of Mount Everest to prevent the mingling of climbers from COVID-hit Nepal and those ascending from the Tibetan side as a precautionary measure, Chinese state media reported on Sunday.

KATHMANDU, May 8: A Sherpa guide scaled Mount Everest for the 25th time on Friday, breaking his own record for the most ascents of the world’s highest peak.

KATHMANDU, April 23: A Norwegian climber became the first to be tested for COVID-19 in the Mount Everest base camp and was flown by helicopter to Kathmandu, where he was hospitalized.

KATHMANDU, Sept 23: The Department of Tourism (DoT) has issued climbing permits to a team consisting prince of the Kingdom of Bahrain on Tuesday.

KATHMANDU, Nepal: Apa Sherpa knows firsthand all the risks of climbing Mount Everest. He’s been to the summit 21 times.

Collector of memories

September 13, 2019 10:53 am

Samde Sherpa vividly remembers walking along the Annapurna Circuit as a 15-year-old. And ironically, he didn’t like it very much. The year was 2004 and he was accompanying his uncle who was acting as a trekking guide to a French team. “It was too much walking for me back then,” he recalls. However, after he returned home from the trip, he felt this sense of peace and calm like never before. And so, he decided he would go back to the hills and mountains as an adult.

KATHMANDU, Sept 4: Nepal Mountain Academy (NMA) is starting a postgraduate degree in adventure tourism studies. Academic advisor to the NMA, Prof Dr Ramesh Bajracharya claimed this to be the first-ever postgraduate course in adventure tourism in the world.

KATHMANDU, Aug 20: The executive council of Khumbu Pasanglhamu Rural Municipality in Solukhumbu district in the Everest region has decided to ban plastic items of less than 30 microns thickness in the rural municipality.

KATHMANDU, Aug 14: A high-level committee formed to review the rules and policies on mountaineering has suggested to the government to bar inexperienced climbers from taking on Mt. Everest.

They defamed Everest. Book them

July 23, 2019 02:00 am

Mount Everest, the icon for which people in the world know this Himalayan republic, received bad press, both at home and abroad in June this year.

KATHMANDU, June 24: After every party it’s time to clean up and Mount Everest is no different. The record number of climbers crowding the world’s highest mountain this season has left a government cleanup crew grappling with how to clear away everything from abandoned tents to human waste that threatens drinking water.

Economic lessons from Everest

June 20, 2019 01:30 am

Beyond specific conditions such as the narrowness of the trail, Everest’s overcrowding problem is not so different from many other economic and social challenges that policymakers confront

KATHMANDU, June 17: The Embassy of India, Kathmandu, organized a Yoga Event at Namche Bazaar — the gateway to the world's highest peak, Mt Everest — on Sunday.

Dereliction of duty on Everest

June 16, 2019 02:30 am

Everest expedition, which attracts the attention of the whole world, for magnificence and awe of the world’s highest peak, remained in bad press nationally and internationally this season.

KATHMANDU, June 14: A total of 659 people including Sherpa guides successfully climbed Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, in 2019's spring. According to the data given by the Department of Tourism (DoT), of the number scaling the peak, 378 were guides.

KATHMANDU, June 14: National Geographic Society on Thursday announced that it successfully installed the world's two highest operating weather stations on Mt Everest aimed at breaking new ground in monitoring and understanding of climate change.

Coca-Cola has joined hands with Nepal Army, Nepal Mountaineering Association and Sagarmatha Pollution Control Committee (SPCC) to collect garbage from Everest Region. Sundeep Bajoria, Vice President Operations, South West Asia at Coca-Cola, is in Kathmandu to participate in garbage handover program organized on the occasion of World Environment Day.

That picture story

June 5, 2019 01:30 am

Do intellectual property principles or fair use policies only apply to Western creators and producers? It is hard to believe AFP and Getty Images can be so negligent about their professional ethics

May 31: In Paris, the Louvre Museum closed for a day this week because workers said the crowds were too big to handle. In the Himalayas, climbers at Mount Everest are concerned that the peak has gotten too crowded, contributing to the highest death toll in years.

KATHMANDU, May 29: At around 9:50 am of 23rd May, Lal Bahadur Jirel scaled Mt Everest. Little did he know then that scaling the highest mountain would cost him more than his inner strength and mettle.

KATHMANDU, May 28: Over 10 tons of garbage has been removed from Mt Everest region under a government-initiated mega cleanup campaign named Mount Everest Cleanup Campaign 2019.

KATHMANDU, May 28: The death toll on Everest on the Nepal side this season has reached nine with the demise of an American climber at South Col on Monday evening.

KATHMANDU, May 26: Family, friends and supporters welcomed a veteran Sherpa guide upon his return to Nepal’s capital on Saturday, days after his 24th climb of Mount Everest extended his record.

KATHMANDU, May 25: Journalist and mountaineer Kalpana Maharjan has become the first woman journalist to climb the world’s highest peak Mount Everest from both the north and the south sides.

600 atop Everest this season

May 25, 2019 07:25 am

KATHMANDU, May 25: As many as 600 individuals have climbed Mount Everest as of Friday even as the weather window for this season is closing.

KATHMANDU, May 24: Four dead bodies of climbers that had emerged from under the Everest ice have been removed from the mountain on Thursday.

KATHMANDU, May 22: Veteran mountaineer Kami Rita Sherpa has broken his own world record for the most number of Everest summit climbs in a week.

KATHMANDU, May 21: More than 120 climbers are heading toward the peak of Mt Everest as the second summit window opened on Monday.

KATHMANDU, May 21: Veteran climber Kami Rita Sherpa on Tuesday scaled the Mt. Everest for 24th times to break his own world record for most summits on the world's highest peak.

KATHMANDU, May 16: Veteran mountain climber Kami Rita Sherpa on Wednesday climbed Mt Everest for the 23rd time, breaking his own Guinness book record.

KATHMANDU, May 15: Veteran climber Kami Rita Sherpa on Wednesday scaled the Mt. Everest for 23rd times to break his own world record for most summits on the world's highest peak.

KATHMANDU, May 9: Around five tons of garbage has been collected from Mount Everest during a clean-up campaign launched by the Nepalese authorities with the help of the army since mid-April, ANI reported.

KATHMANDU, May 5: Kalpana Maharjan, 35, is said to have reached Camp 2 (7,775 meters above sea level) on the northern side of Mount Everest on Saturday. If Maharjan succeeds to reach the peak of the world's highest mountain, it will be her second success in climbing the mountain in her third attempt.

KATHMANDU, April 29: Sherpas deployed to remove dead bodies of climbers and waste emerging from Everest ice recovered three bodies on Sunday.

The collaboration of Nepal Tourism Board and ‘We Will Rise Foundation’ is sending Phurba Tenzing Sherpa to the summit of Everest for the promotion of tourism in Nepal. Sherpa already has a record of 13 successful Everest climbs.

Some might wonder why it takes two years to measure the height of Everest. Then, some are curious why it isn’t possible to deboard from a helicopter to reach Mt. Everest and just use the required technology to measure its height within 10 minutes.

RASUWA, April 7: A group of 21 Nepali citizens have left for Tibet to scale the Mt. Everest from the Chinese side.

KATHMANDU, April 4: Road network has finally reached the doorstep of the world's highest peak, Mt Everest, with the inauguration of the newly-constructed road in Solukhumbu that leads up to Khumbu Pasang Lahmu Rural Municipality, which is considered the gateway of Everest.

The documentary of the first DJ performance at the Everest Base Camp, ‘Soundtrek: A Journey to Mount Everest’ is screening for the first time at Moksh, Jhamsikhel on Friday.

KATHMANDU, March 27: A team of American scientists has flown to the Mount Everest region to study how pollution has impacted the Himalayan mountains and glaciers which are melting due to global warming.

KATHMANDU, Aug 2: New Zealand has provided technical assistance for the ongoing effort by Nepal government to re-measure the height of Mount Everest.

KATHMANDU, June 20: With the objective of expanding its network to every corner of the country, Everest Bank has opened a new branch at Sitapaila in Kathmandu.