SINGAPORE, June 11: Pollution from man-made emissions and other sources like wildfires have been linked to around 135 million premature deaths worldwide between 1980 and 2020, a Singapore university said Monday.

KATHMANDU, April 30: Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, has been identified as the most polluted city globally.

KATHMANDU, April 28: Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, continues to hold the distinction of being the most polluted city globally in terms of air quality, based on Sunday morning’s data.

KATHMANDU, April 16: Kathmandu has once again become the second most polluted city in the world, with air pollution soaring to alarming levels in the Kathmandu Valley.

KATHMANDU, April 12: Rain accompanied by lightning has been observed not only in the Kathmandu Valley but also in the other hilly regions of Bagmati, Gandaki, and Koshi provinces. Meteorologists have said that it has led to a reduction in the pollution levels. However, there is still haze lingering all over the country. According to meteorologists, Nepal's air is still not clean.

KATHMANDU, Feb 28:  Kathmandu has secured the position of the  third most polluted city globally, based on its air pollution levels.

KATHMANDU, Feb 20: Kathmandu has secured the position of the fourth most polluted city globally, based on its air pollution levels.

KATHMANDU, Jan 31: Kathmandu has secured seventh spot on the list of the world’s most polluted cities.

Circular Economy of Plastics

September 11, 2023 09:15 am

The focus of this year’s World Environment Day was solutions to plastic pollution which was observed under the theme #BeatPlasticPollution. Similarly, in 2022, at the UN Environment Assembly, a resolution was endorsed to end plastic pollution.

DHADING, Sept 2: Locals in and around Jugedi at Dhunibeshi Munbicipality-9 in Dhading district have begun developing respiratory related complications due to the air pollution caused by a cement factory in their locality.

KATHMANDU, Aug 30: It's monsoon time. Air pollution has decreased due to rain. Although there is not much discussion, an international report has shown that air pollution in Nepal has a serious impact on public health leading to a significant reduction in the average life expectancy of Nepalis.

KATHMANDU, June 5: The World Environment Day is being marked today around the theme #BeatPlasticPollution.

KATHMANDU , May 12: Doctors suggest wearing a mask when stepping out of the house. Due to the risk of coronavirus infection and the air pollution in Kathmandu, doctors have insisted on the mandatory use of masks when stepping out of the house. This is the common problem of every Kathmanduites.

POKHARA, April 14: Major cities are currently experiencing high levels of air pollution, particularly in areas such as Pokhara and the capital city, Kathmandu. This pollution has become so severe that it is now impacting the visibility for flights at the Pokhara Regional International Airport. As a result, no aircraft were able to land at the airport until 3:30 PM on Friday afternoon.

It's strange but true that the Pashupatinath Temple area listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site does not have even a single waste bin. Nepal urgently needs a serious national “make nepal clean” campaign rather than a “visit nepal” campaign.

KHAMANON, India, Nov 9: Smoke billows out of the fields in India's Punjab state as several thousand acres of crop stubble are set on fire, wrapping surrounding areas in a thick, grey blanket.

KATHMANDU. Jan 5: Kathmandu Pragya Kunja School in partnership with the Israeli embassy in Kathmandu organized an event on Monday to hand over collected used batteries to Doko Recycles to contribute to environmental pollution mitigation measures through an important message of responsibility for an individual step toward a cleaner environment.

NEW DELHI, Nov 12: New Delhi's air quality plummeted again on Friday, and a thick haze of toxic smog hung over India's capital due to a drop in temperature and wind speed, and a spike in the burning of crop waste in surrounding farmlands.

KATHMANDU, April 10: The Kathmandu Valley, which reported the world’s worst quality air in the past few days, witnessed a slight improvement on Saturday following a short spell of drizzle on Friday evening.

KANCHANPUR, April 7: Health problems like eye infection and allergy have increased among the locals of Kanchanpur due to air pollution.

Wildfires reported in more than 60 districts, flights disrupted, concern authorities remain silence

KATHMANDU, April 5: Air quality of the Kathmandu Valley deteriorated again on Monday.

KATHMANDU, April 5: Public health experts have advised against going outside the house except for emergency purposes bearing in mind the rising pollution level across the country. Air pollution may cause several health issues including breathing complications, they warned.  "If emergency, wear a proper mask while going out.’’

KATHMANDU, April 2: The sky above the Kathmandu Valley witnessed a slight improvement on Friday as the atmosphere started clearing up following the rainfall that occurred on Wednesday evening.

KATHMANDU, April 1: Quality of air in the Kathmandu Valley, which saw a severe deterioration since a few days ago, has witnessed a slight improvement on Thursday following the rainfall on Wednesday evening.

Lalitpur’s Bhaisipati reported a PM 2.5 reading of 396 μg/m³ as of 6 PM today

KATHMANDU, Feb 28: The quality of air in the Kathmandu Valley on Sunday was measured between PM 2.5 reading of  79.83 μg/m³ and  145 μg/m³.

KATHMANDU, Feb 27: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) and Kathmandu University (KU) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for maintaining Kathmandu city's cleanliness and sanitation.

KATHMANDU, Feb 25: The Kathmandu Valley where Nepal's capital city lies reported further deterioration in the air quality on Thursday.

Valley Pollution Index for Feb 24, 2021

February 24, 2021 19:45 pm

Check Wednesday’s hourly air quality in Kathmandu

Check Monday’s AQI in Kathmandu

February 22, 2021 19:26 pm

KATHMANDU, Feb 22:  The Kathmandu Valley, where Nepal’s federal capital is situated, reported continued deterioration of the air quality in the last few days.

KATHMANDU, Feb 21:  The Kathmandu Valley on Sunday reported deterioration in the air quality index (AQI) as the fine particulate matters (Pm 2.5) reading docked at 128.61 μg/m³ in the morning between 9 and 10.

KATHMANDU, Feb 19: The air quality index (AQI) of the Kathmandu Valley where lies Nepal’s federal capital city, reported a slight improvement on Friday as the highest fine particulate matters (Pm 2.5) index was recorded at 77.15 μg/m³ in the evening between 6 and 7.

KATHMANDU, Feb 15: The air pollution level in the country’s capital city has been deteriorating for the last few days.

KATHMANDU, Feb 14: The Kathmandu Valley, where Nepal’s federal capital is situated, reported continued deterioration of the air quality in the last few days.

KATHMANDU, Feb 11: The Kathmandu Valley, where Nepal’s federal capital city lies, reported the continued deterioration of the air quality in the last few days.

KATHMANDU, Feb 11: The Kathmandu Valley, where Nepal’s federal capital city lies, reported the highest PM 2.5 reading of 203.67 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m³) on Monday in the morning between 8 and9.

KATHMANDU, Feb 9: The Kathmandu Valley, on Tuesday, reported a deterioration in the air quality index (AQI).

KATHMANDU, Feb 8: The Kathmandu Valley, where Nepal’s federal capital city lies, reported the highest PM 2.5 reading of 144.5 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m³) on Monday in the morning between 7 and 8.

KATHMANDU, Feb 7: The Kathmandu Valley witnessed slight improvement in the air quality index (AQI) on Sunday influenced by the first spell of rainfall of this winter that occurred on Saturday.

KATHMANDU, Feb 6: Air quality index (AQI) of the country’s capital city, Kathmandu, further worsened on Saturday despite the fact that most businesses remained shut and the city received the first rain of winter this year. The highest AQI on Saturday was measured at 191.72 μg/m³.

KATHMANDU, Feb 4:  The Kathmandu Valley on Thursday reported improvement in the air quality index (AQI) owing to the general strike enforced by the Dahal-Nepal faction of the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP).

KATHMANDU, Feb 2: The Kathmandu Valley reported a slight improvement in the quality of air on Tuesday afternoon between 3 and 4. The fine particulate matter (Pm 2.5) reading docked at 47.58 μg/m³, according to the data collected from 17 pollution monitoring stations installed at various parts in the country’s capital city.

KATHMANDU, Feb 1: Air quality in Kathmandu, the country’s capital city, has continued to deteriorate on Monday as well. The highest fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) reading was measured at 182.17 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m³) in the morning between 8 and 9.

KATHMANDU, Jan 30: The air quality of the Kathmandu Valley deteriorated even on Saturday as the highest fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) reading was measured at 194.69 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m³) in the morning between 8 and 9.

AQI measured nearly 200 μg/m³  in the capital city on Friday

KATHMANDU, Jan 28: The country’s capital city, Kathmandu, has reported further deterioration in the quality of air as the highest PM 2.5 reading was measured at 196.78 μg/m³ on Thursday between 9 AM and 10 AM, the time when most offices and business activities commence.

KATHMANDU, Jan 21: The air pollution level in the country’s capital city was measured slightly low on Tuesday.

KATHMANDU, Jan 25: The Kathmandu Valley witnessed continued deterioration of the quality of air on Monday as well.

KATHMANDU, Jan 24: Air quality in Kathmandu continued to deteriorate on Sunday as well.