KATHMANDU, July 6: The Nepali Congress (NC) has stated that the new government will be formed according to Article 76 (2) of the Constitution of Nepal, even as Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal completes the process of taking a vote of confidence.

KATHMANDU, July 6: The Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP) led by Ashok Kumar Rai has withdrawn its support to the government.

KATHMANDU, Oct 8: The Chief of Koshi Province, Parshuram Khapung, has urged to form the government within a week.

KATHMANDU, July 28: The Supreme Court (SC) has revoked the appointment of Uddhav Thapa as Chief Minister of the Koshi provincial government.

KATHMANDU, April 27: The deadline given by the province chief to form a new government in Lumbini is ending at 4 pm today.

KATHMANDU, March 3: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has congratulated the Nepali cricketers for being qualified to play the ICC U-19 World Cup to be held in Sri Lanka.

KATHMANDU, Jan 18: A serious trouble within the ruling alliance has surfaced as Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal expanded his cabinet on Tuesday.

Deliver on Promises

January 18, 2023 08:10 am

After weeks of delay, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Tuesday expanded his cabinet, adding several new members to his team. His move to expand the cabinet comes at a crucial time for Nepal, as the country faces a number of pressing challenges, including economic growth, political stability, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The addition of new members, most of them with excellent track record, to the cabinet is a positive step forward, as it brings fresh perspectives and new ideas to the table.

Nepal is once again in the media headlines around the world for a news that should have been a matter of the past. Amid failure and unwillingness of each successive government in the past several years, Nepal has been facing a stalled transitional justice process for almost two decades.

No opposition party in parliament!

January 11, 2023 08:30 am

KATHMANDU, Jan 11: Having opposition parties is a crucial aspect of a functioning democracy, as it provides a mechanism for checks and balances on the ruling parties and also allows for alternative viewpoints and policies to be presented and debated. But with all major political parties including the Nepali Congress (NC) giving a vote of confidence to Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, there has been a debate if there are opposition parties in parliament.

Making parliament effective

January 10, 2023 07:50 am

Addressing the first meeting of the newly-elected House of Representatives (HoR) on Monday, top leaders of all political parties represented in federal parliament have expressed commitment to work for the cause of people and the country. As the five-year term of the new parliament officially begins with the meeting, the countdown of the days for the lawmakers to fulfill their promises also starts earnestly.

KATHMANDU, Jan 8: Alleging that the Nepali Congress (NC) with a tacit support from some ‘foreign powers’ was trying to topple the government led by the Chairman of CPN (Maoist Center) Pushpa Kamal Dahal even before it could secure vote of confidence, former prime minister and CPN-UML Chairman KP Oli has said that they cannot accept foreign interference in the formation of a new government in Nepal.

KATHMANDU, Jan 7: A draft of the minimum common programs of the new government is now ready.

KATHMANDU, Jan 2: CPN (Unified Socialist) holding the party's politburo meting today.

With the formation of a new government, it seems that in the diplomatic contest between the three global powers in Nepal - India, China and the USA - China came victorious!

Nepal Needs Deep Economic Reforms

December 31, 2022 09:30 am

It is not tolerable for Nepal to always be one of the bottommost economies of the world; strong application of an appropriate economic model has been inevitable to revamp the backwardness of the nation.

‘Unification with UML not possible anytime soon’

KATHMANDU, Dec 30: Ruling alliance has decided to unveil the Common Minimum Program (CMP) of the new government-led by CPN (Maoist Center) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal within the next five days.

Expectations from the New Government

December 27, 2022 09:00 am

The new government is expected to establish the rule of law and end impunity. To do that, the major political parties, especially those in the government, must instruct their workers and leaders at the local level to create an environment that allows the various organs of the state to exercise their duties and rights freely.

KATHMANDU, Dec 27: Newly-appointed Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal formed an eight-member cabinet, including three deputy prime ministers on Monday.

KATHMANDU, Dec 26: Nepal's new government, led by a former Maoist rebel commander, will try to balance ties with its immediate neighbours China and India for the economic growth of one of the world's poorest countries, officials of the ruliIng coalition told Reuters.

Expectations from the New Government!

December 26, 2022 09:00 am

It is necessary to create a standard regarding projects of national pride. A strategy should be brought out with a clear program regarding what kind of projects should be called projects of national pride, what kind of priority and facilities such projects should get and how these projects should be completed on time.

KATHMANDU, Dec 25: Top leaders of the ruling coalition —Nepali Congress (NC), CPN (Maoist Center) and CPN (Unified Socialist)—have claimed that they have reached closer to a power-sharing agreement.

On Election of New President

December 25, 2022 07:51 am

It has already been several weeks since the ruling parties got engaged in negotiations to form a new government. Even as the deadline given by President Bidya Devi Bhandari is expiring on Sunday, the ruling Nepali Congress and the CPN (Maoist Center) do not seem anywhere close to sealing a power-sharing deal.

KATHMANDU, Dec 20: With President Bidya Devi Bhandari serving a seven-day deadline for the parties to stake claim for the formation of a new government as per Article 76 (2) of the constitution on Sunday, all political parties represented in the House of Representatives (HoR) have expedited the process to elect their Parliamentary Party (PP) leaders.

Resolve constitutional ambiguities

December 20, 2022 07:45 am

The decision of President Bidya Devi Bhandari to provide only seven days for political parties to stake claim for the new government leadership has courted a serious controversy in the wider political circle.

KATHMANDU, Dec 19: With the final results of the November 20 general elections already published by the Election Commission (EC), President Bidya Devi Bhandari has asked two or more than two political parties to form a new government.

Who will be Nepal’s next PM?

December 15, 2022 08:30 am

But the crucial question is: Who will be the new Prime Minister?

KATHMANDU, Dec 6: As the time to announce the final results of the elections is approaching, major parties in the country are focused on forming the new government. But before the formation of the government, the issue of appointing the 34 officials in the federal and the province is becoming challenging. Even though the ruling coalition has shown more priority for the formation of the government, the UML is also quietly advancing its preparation.

Don’t Repeat Past Mistakes

December 6, 2022 09:00 am

With the announcement of the final results of the elections to all 165 berths in the House of Representatives under the first past the post (FPTP) system and the counting of votes cast for 110 seats under the proportional representation reaching the final stage, discussions on the formation of a new government have started.

With the result announcement process by the Election Commission almost in the final stage, the parties have begun assessing the number of seats won by them and also started intensive talks and dialogue for the formation of a new government. One of the two new parties to be present in parliament in the capacity of national party is the Janamat Party led by Chandra Kanta (CK) Raut.

KATHMANDU, Dec 4: Senior Nepali Congress leader and newly elected member of the House of Representatives (HoR), Ramchandra Paudel has assured that the new government will provide political stability, good governance, development and employment opportunities in the villages.

KATHMANDU, Dec 4: At a time when both the Nepali Congress (NC) and the CPN-UML have intensified negotiations with other parties to form a new government, the CPN (Maoist Center)—a key ally in any future alliance-- has said that it is open to all options for the formation of the new government.

Youth at the Helm

December 3, 2022 08:45 am

As a rule of thumb, the largest political party in parliament always gets the first chance to form the government in any democratic system. The second and third largest parties get the opportunity to form a government only when the first largest party fails to garner the required majority in parliament. In that sense, the NC -- the single largest party in parliament -- should lead the new government. This is the mandate given by people through the recently-held parliamentary election.

KATHMANDU, Nov 29: The top leaders of the Nepali Congress (NC) have intensified their efforts to form and lead the new government even before the final results of the general elections.

KATHMANDU, Nov 24: As the final results of the House of Representatives and provincial assembly elections are pouring in from across the country, top leaders of two major political parties—Nepali Congress(NC) and CPN-UML – have started initiating dialogues to forge alliance with the CPN (Maoist Center).

KATHMANDU,Nov 21: Nepali Congress (NC) General Secretary and newly elected House of Representatives member Gagan Kumar Thapa has said that preparations for the parliamentary party elections will begin soon.

Elections held. Now What?

November 21, 2022 20:10 pm

Currently, the counting of votes is underway and the initial results are pouring in from across the country. It is still too early to predict the results, but the initial results of the elections conducted at over 22,000 polling centers must be surprising for the so-called political bigwigs.

KATHMANDU, Dec 10: Nepali Congress (NC) President Sher Bahadur Deuba has said that he had helped Nepali people to get rid of the rule of K P Oli.

HoR endorses the revised budget

September 20, 2021 19:30 pm

KATHMANDU, September 20: The government on Monday passed the revised budget from the House of Representatives (HoR) amid the lawmakers chanting slogans to disrupt the regular meeting of parliament.

KATHMANDU, Sept 13: CPN (Unified Socialist) Bagmati Province has decided to hold discussion with other parties of the ruling alliance to form a new government.

KATHMANDU, August 11: The chief of Lumbini Province, Amik Serchan has asked the opposition parties to form a new majority government in the province.

KATHMANDU, August 10: The government is revising the budget introduced by the previous government through an ordinance as per the road map of the new government.

KATHMANDU, July 25: The government is looking forward to announcing a new budget after it received a vote of confidence from parliament last week.

Deuba must deliver

July 14, 2021 19:48 pm

Oli’s reluctance to step down even after failing to win a vote of confidence in parliament and his abrupt decision to dissolve parliament and announce a midterm election amid the COVID-19 pandemic had raised serious concerns that this could derail the political course in the country. The apex court’s verdict has brought the political course back on track for now. But the journey ahead is still precarious.

KATHMANDU, July 14: Newly-appointed Finance Minister Janardan Sharma has said that the Sher Bahadur Deuba-led government will revise the budget introduced by the previous government through an ordinance as per the road map of the new government.

KATHMANDU, May 21: The Bibeksheel Sajha Party has urged opposition parties and members of parliament to unite and take an initiative to form a new government.

KATHMANDU, May 10: President Bidhya Devi Bhandari has invited a political party leader who can garner majority votes in parliament with the support of two or more parties to stake claim for the post of new prime minister as per Article 76(2) of the constitution.

KATHMANDU, April 21: The CPN (Maoist Center) has entrusted the party’s Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal to take a decision to withdraw the party's support to the KP Oli-led government.

KATHMANDU, April 9: A three-party meeting held among the top leaders of the Nepali Congress (NC), CPN (Maoist Center) and Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP) to form a coalition government under the leadership of NC has ended on a ‘positive note’.