KATHMANDU, July 6: The process for appointing ambassadors, recommended two weeks ago, has been halted. Despite the government's recommendation of eight individuals for ambassadorial positions in eight countries, the appointments have not been registered at the Parliament Secretariat, leading to uncertainty about their appointment.

What’s wrong with Prachanda?

July 6, 2024 07:42 am

Within a week, after PM Prachanda claimed to have “a magic number”, it seems to have vanished, as often happens in magic shows, in the thin air. What went wrong with him? Wasn't he cocksure ruling the country for five years? Late Dr. Harka Gurung used to say, “In Nepali politics what is real is invisible, what is visible is ritual”.

This new alliance, although politically expedient, raises significant concerns. The recurring theme of Nepali politics—alliances formed and dissolved based on the whims and petty interests of political leaders—suggests a disturbing trend of change for change's sake. This approach often neglects the fundamental purpose of governance: to serve the people and address their pressing needs.

KATHMANDU, April 30: Nepal Communist Party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal has expressed unhappiness over the working style of the Province 2 government.