In Fiscal Year 2065/66 BS, the government set an ambitious target to eradicate illiteracy within two years through the National Literacy Campaign. Along with the announcement, a budget of approximately Rs 1.4 billion was estimated for the initiative.

KATHMANDU, April 23: The National Campaign for Education (NCE) Nepal  has drawn the attention of the government and the bodies concerned towards the 'need' to allocate 20 percent of the total budget to the education sector in the upcoming fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, July 29: Lawmakers have drawn the government's attention to the need of enhancing education quality by sorting out numerous issues in the concerned sector.

KATHMANDU, May 23: The Community School Management Committee Federation of Nepal (SMC Federation) has urged the government to revoke its decision to give two-day holiday in a week to the education sector.

KATHMANDU, Jan 29: State Minister Umesh Shrestha has said that the government is going to make legal arrangements to increase investment in the education sector.

BAGLUNG, Oct 31: Minister for Education, Science and Technology, Devendra Paudel has pledged to resolve the long-standing problems in the education sector.

KATHMANDU, Jan 8: Had it not been the COVID-19 pandemic, Kusum Panta, an undergraduate student at Golden Gate International College, would have already graduated with a Bachelor degree in Arts around this time. She would have then been following in the footsteps of her parents attending the long-awaited Public Service Commission (PSC) examinations.

KATHMANDU, Sept 5: The government has signed a financing agreement with the World Bank today for an additional grant of US$10.85 million to the School Sector Development Program (SSDP) to maintain access to basic education and continued learning for children amid the COVID-19 crisis.

According to UNESCO, around 1.5 billion students are out of school in over 165 countries affected by the pandemic. In China, the government is working at an unprecedented scale and speed with private platform providers to continue classes. At least 260 million students from elementary to high school have signed up for on-line platforms during the epidemic. Across the globe, governments have taken initiatives to combat the challenges thrown in by the Covid-19. Japan was one of the first countries to shut down schools from beginning of March affecting around 13 million children. In the first week of April, Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh launched 'DigiLep Learning Enhancement Program' to ensure that learning of the students does not get affected while the schools remain shut. It relied heavily on WhatsApp. Countries soon figured a way to keep engaging their children, to minimize the damage done by closure of schools.

KATHMANDU, May 16: The government's policies and programs for the upcoming fiscal year have come up with positive arrangements such as delivery of online education albeit they are inadequate in the light of the emerging impact of COVID-19 pandemic.

Reimagining teaching

February 8, 2020 09:17 am

I spent my 16 energetic years in education sector. It was my direct involvement in the sense that I worked as a teacher interacting most of the time with the students. I collected some beautiful experiences, encountered daunting challenges and sometimes tasted ‘so-called’ success. But I still wonder whether I had really been a teacher.

KATHMANDU, Sept 8: President Bidya Devi Bhandari has said that the government's investment in the education sector should be result-oriented.