KATHMANDU, July 25: The Nepali Congress (NC) is facing widespread criticism for appointing Badshah Kurmi, who is accused of the abduction and murder of Banke’s Nirmala Devi Kurmi, as a minister in the Lumbini Province government.

KATHMANDU, Jan 4: A group of civil society members has issued a warning to the government, urging it to exercise prudence in signing agreements that may contradict national interests.

Academicians, political leaders, youth activists, and civil society representatives express concerns over the erosion of democratic principles and values and shrinking civic space.

KATHMANDU,  Oct 11: Civil Society organizations have expressed concern over the lack of priority for the climate agenda in the proposed 16th Development plan.

KATHMANDU, May 13: An anti-corruption demonstration was held in Maitighar Mandala from 11 am on Saturday.

KATHMANDU, April 28: Over two dozen civil society organizations and development partners including UNICEF and Save the children have called for increasing the Child Grant.

KATHMANDU, Dec 14: A group of civil society members have expressed serious concerns over the ongoing attempts of foreign governments to subvert the mandate of the parliamentary elections held on November 20 in a way that would undermine the sovereignty of the people and representative democracy.

KATHMANDU, June 5: Civil society has urged the government to scrap its decision to allow export of sand, stone and gravel to third countries.

KATHMANDU, May 26: Civil society activists staged a protest against the dissolution of the House of Representatives (HoR) at Kirtipur in Kathmandu on Wednesday.

KATHMANDU, May 3: Civil society leaders have expressed grave disappointment over lack of government’s proactive action to control and manage the COVID situation and defaulting into lockdown as the last resort.

The unabashed dislike of PM KP Oli by civil society ‘stalwarts’ has not proved enough to dislodge Oli, so what is their Plan B?

Polish democracy in the crosshairs

February 23, 2021 08:10 am

Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the abolition of censorship, and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Poland’s civil society is again defending its hard-won democracy from a state determined to do away with it.

KATHMANDU, Feb 2: The third phase of civil protests against ‘regression’ concluded on Tuesday with civil society activists paying tributes to martyrs duo Gangalal Shrestha and Dashrath Chand.

KATHMANDU, Jan 31: Civil society activists have continued their protest against parliament dissolution.

KATHMANDU, Jan 30: The civil society staged protests and demonstrations against the dissolution of the House of Representatives (HoR) in Kathmandu on Saturday.

KATHMANDU, Jan 29: Civil society activists have staged a protest demonstration against the government under the statue of Shukraraj Shastri, a martyr who attained martyrdom during his fight against the Rana Regime, in Teku, Kathmandu.

KATHMANDU, Jan 23: A civil society group has announced to stage a demonstration in front of the Prime Minister's Residence in Baluwatar on Monday against the dissolution of parliament.

KATHMANDU, July 10: A group of civil society leaders have urged the political parties and their leaders to pursue their agenda only through the parliamentary route, with full transparency.

KATHMANDU, Jan 22: Expressing serious concerns over the decision of the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) to field murder-accused Agni Prasad Sapkota as candidate for House Speaker, a group of civil society leaders on Tuesday urged the ruling party, the government and political leadership concerned not to elect him to the post.

KATHMANDU, Jan 17: Expressing concern over prolonged delay in convening the House of Representatives because of differences within the ruling Nepal Communist Party over the choice of a speaker candidate, a group of 17 prominent civil society leaders have urged the parties in power as well as others concerned to work proactively to end the impasse.

KATHMANDU, Aug 15: The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 1995 (Beijing Platform for Action) is observed as a global agenda for ensuring improvement in the human rights situation for women and girls.

Your daily dose of missed important news of the day.

KATHMANDU, June 22: A section of civil society staged a demonstration in Kathmandu on Saturday.

KATHMANDU, May 15: Civil society activists have urged the government to immediately take away the three bills registered in the Federal Parliament.

KATHMANDU, May 12: While the media fraternity and civil society are worrying about one piece of legislation after another being drafted with even harsher provisions concerning the media , the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has formulated yet another bill, proposing confiscation of media equipment and slapping fines of up to Rs 10 million and 15 years in jail for media persons found publishing offensive content.

KATHMANDU, April 29: A section of conflict victims and civil society members staged demonstration in the capital on Monday demanding a credible transitional justice in Nepal.

Reviewing transitional justice

April 14, 2019 01:05 am

After over four years of official truth commissions, their legacy raises several concerns that demand a serious review. Previous mistakes need to be corrected immediately to avoid a further legitimacy crisis in transitional justice mechanisms. The government did not amend legal flaws in the current transitional justice act in line with Supreme Court verdict, thereby ignoring the calls of victim alliances and civil society. This is one major cause of lack of progress in transitional justice (TJ) process.

KATHMANDU, Jan 16: Several noted civil society members have urged the government and lawmakers to save Dr Govanda KC’s life and address his demands in line with the agreement signed with the government.

KATHMANDU, Jan 15: Civil society members on Tuesday urged the government and political parties representing in the parliament to save the life of senior orthopedic surgeon Dr Govinda KC.

KATHMANDU, Sept 13: A mass protest has been organized at Maitighar Mandala demanding justice for Nirmala Panta. During the mass meeting, organized by the civil society, parents of victim Panta were present demanding the justice for their daughter.