KATHMANDU, Oct 5: The chief of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Surya Kiran Gurung, has complained that the government's delay in providing necessary funds and staffers for the transitional justice mechanism has hindered investigation into war-era cases.
The head of the transitional justice body said lack of resources and staffers has further affected the functioning of the commission, which is already in a limbo due to the delay in passing a necessary amendment to a law on transitional justice. “We have been repeatedly asking the government to allocate adequate resources and staffers but in a vain. This has seriously affected our work,” said TRC chief Gurung speaking at a function in Kathmandu on Thursday.
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With the objective to expedite its investigations, the commission had planned to set up its offices in 41 districts, but that plan has not taken off in lack of resources.
Over 63,000 complaints have been filed at the commission seeking justice. Of the total, the commission has completed the investigation into 3,000 complaints.
The body is in confusion also in lack of a clear policy on the complaints filed by those victims who have already received reparations from the government. “Some victims have already received certain amount of money as part of relief. In this context, we are confused over our reparations policy,” said Gurung.