MORANG, March 7: The Nepal Police Club won the second quarterfinals match against the Armed Police Force (APF) Football Club in the ongoing Birat Gold Cup on Thursday. Played at the Sahid Stadium in Biratnagar, the Nepal Police Club defeated the APF FC 2-0.
Arun Gaha and Manish Sedhain of the Nepal Police Club each scored a goal to secure the victory for the team.
Manish Sedhain was named the man of the match to win Rs 11,000 in cash.
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Defending champion Machchhindra Football Club and Three Star Club are scheduled to play the match at 6:30 this evening.
The title winner of the tournament will receive Rs 1.1 million in cash, a trophy and medals, while the runner-up team will get Rs 500,000, a trophy and medals.
Similarly, the outstanding player of the tournament will receive Rs 51,000 while the outstanding goalkeeper, highest goal scorer and coach will each take home Rs 15,000.
The player of the match of every game will get Rs 11,000.
A total of 10 teams from Nepal and India have taken part in the tournament.