Photo Courtesy: pixabay
The recently held second Inter-School Grand Art Competition, which was organized by the Youth Corner Club became an amazing and challenging art competition for me. In this competition, 525 participants from 101 schools had participated. Among them, 10 students participated from Samriddhi School and I was one of them.

It was held in Patan Durbar Square, Patan at 10 in the morning. It was a great experience for me. In this competition, I was both nervous and excited. All of the participants did their best and so did I. When we drew, many tourists, including Nepali, were observing our drawings and some of them were taking our photos too. I took my full time to draw my art and show my creativity. At the end, when I submitted my drawing, I was afraid of the result.
And finally, the prize distribution ceremony started. I was afraid and my heart was beating very fast. And when they announced my name to recieve award for the second position, I felt very happy. Not only me, but my teachers were also happy for me. Likewise, two other stuedents from Samriddhi School, Saugat Prajapati and Rushma Maharjan got the consolation prize and others were given a certificate of participation.
This was a proud moment for the Samriddhi family. I would like to thank our honorable principal Naresh Prasad Shrestha for giving us the golden opportunity to participate in this grand art competition. Also, I would like to thank our ECA coordinator Bikash Shahi, for organizing such program. Also, I would like to thank our art teacher Raj K Maharjan for guiding us to the program. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for being with me through every step in my life.