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Dr Alok K Bohara

Dr Alok K Bohara

The author is Professor at University of New Mexico, USA.



Chasing the Stars: Embracing Essentialism in a Complex World

We have about a week to make some meaningful life choices—or just start something simple and doable. Recall that most resolutions are broken by the end of February. So, if you want to avoid being part of that statistics, start small.
Dec 23, 2024

Federalizing Education and Mitigating Political Influence in...

There is a widespread agreement that the higher education sector in Nepal is in urgent need of reform. A new Bill “Federalizing Education” has begun to engage stakeholders bringing forth their concerns in a multitude of areas.
Aug 27, 2023

Is a four-year bachelor’s program a burden on Nepali student...

Tribhuvan University (TU) officials have put forth the idea of reducing the current four-year bachelor's program to three years in order to alleviate the burden on Nepali students and parents. They cite countries like the UK and India as arguments for such a proposal and argue that Nepal should prod...
Aug 14, 2023

Ungreasing the wheels of corruption: Three Lessons for Nepal

As events continue to unfold in Nepal, particularly concerning the fake Bhutanese refugee scandal, there is a growing public and media pressure to ensure justice is served during the upcoming hearing and prosecution. While it is crucial to uphold the principle of "innocent until proven guilty," conc...
May 27, 2023

Unlocking Rural Agricultural Revitalization in Nepal

The increasing trend of globalization, coupled with political infightings and instability, has resulted in a significant number of Nepalese youths seeking employment abroad as their only viable option. Additionally, the failure of Nepal's leadership to implement effective job employment opportunitie...
Apr 30, 2023

Public Financing of Elections Could be a Game-changer for Ne...

Nepal, like many countries, faces the challenge of systemic corruption in various sectors, including politics. As the country strives to strengthen its democracy and promote fairness in the political process, one tool that is gaining some attention is public financing of elections.
Apr 18, 2023