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Charan Prasai

charan prasai

The author is former coordinator of the Accountability Watch Committee (AWC) and former chair of Amnesty International Nepal (AIN).



The Civic Space Severely Under Threat

The use of internet services and social media accounts is inevitable for individuals in a democratic world.
1 day ago

Refrain from ‘political supremacy’

The passing of the third amendment bill to ‘The Enforced Disappearances Enquiry, Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act 2014’on August 29, 2024, by the parliament, irrespective of prevailing gaps and ambiguities, is a milestone in moving the process ahead.
Dec 30, 2024

TRC Search Committee Mustn’t Fail

The foundation of the peace accord was built on the 12-point understanding reached between the then seven political parties, which were cornered during the royal takeover, and the then Maoist insurgent, in New Delhi, India on Nov 22, 2005.
Dec 04, 2024

Nepal’s TJ process: Paradox or a reality

The reduced sentencing claim contradicts the principles that criminal sanctions must be proportionate to the gravity of the crimes.
Sep 20, 2024
OPINION, Latest Updates

Shadow of impunity

“Visiting Canada Senate speaker not scheduled to meet Agni Sapkota,” went the newspaper headline a few days back. This front-page news regarding Canadian Senate Speaker George J Fury who was in Kathmandu recently carried a significant message.
Feb 19, 2020
OPINION, Latest Updates

When justice fails

As justice has been endlessly deferred, the conflict victims will be left with no option but to seek justice outside of the country
Sep 10, 2019

Reimagining leadership

Transitional justice process has not come to a meaningful end because conflict victims were not placed at the center
Apr 01, 2019

Playing politics with justice

The proposed high-level political mechanism is believed to be yet another strategy to award immunity to perpetrators of serious crimes committed during conflict-era
Dec 19, 2018

Three wasted years

Transitional justice bodies became non-functional because they were more interested to appease political players than deliver justice to the victims
Jan 11, 2018

Save Gangamaya

Gangamaya’s health condition is deteriorating. The unwillingness of the new government to address her demand could prove deadly
Aug 29, 2016