Dr Shishir Bhatta
Dr Shishir Bhatta
The author is a researcher and a registered dental surgeon in Nepal. Currently, he is pursuing his Masters of Social Work in Western Sydney University, Australia.
International Human Trafficking: Nepal's Burgeoning Humanitarian Crises
International Human Trafficking: Nepal's Burgeoning Humanita...

Human trafficking is a multifaceted crime which entails the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of individuals by application of force, fraud, coercion or abuse of power for the purpose of exploitation.
Jun 10, 2023

Growing Suicide among Nepali Students in Australia
Growing Suicide among Nepali Students in Australia

Australia has always remained the top notch academic destination for Nepali students. As articulated by the Australian Government Department of Education, 43,282 Nepali students are studying Australian courses for January 2023 session compared to 57,182 students for January-December 2022.
Apr 24, 2023