Fumiko Yamada
Fumiko Yamada
The author, Fumiko Yamada specializes in ‘Bangladesh Affairs'. She is a research fellow in ‘Bangladesh Studies’ at the ‘University of Melbourne', Australia. She is a graduate of South Asian Studies, University of Toronto, Canada.
Is Japan poised to transform its old identity into a new one on a global scale?
Is Japan poised to transform its old identity into a new one...

Japan and the United States have maintained very close relations since World War II. In reality, the US-Japan relationship, based on economic growth, security interests, and regional stability, has essentially become an effective means of expanding US hegemony.
Jun 04, 2023

Finland in the NATO: New dimension of the crisis
Finland in the NATO: New dimension of the crisis

Russia's conflict with NATO is renewed amid the Russia-Ukraine war. On April 4, the Nordic country of Northern Europe, Finland, became the 31st member of the world's largest military alliance, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization-NATO.
Apr 19, 2023

Stop Russia-Ukraine War for the Greater Interest
Stop Russia-Ukraine War for the Greater Interest

It has been a year since the Russia-Ukraine war. The war is still going on and shows no signs of stopping. Thousands have already died, injured and maimed, thousands of houses and structures have been destroyed. This war has not brought benefits to anyone, nor will it in the future. No one wins this...
Mar 21, 2023