Dr Shrijan Bahadur Malla
Dr Shrijan Bahadur Malla
Dr Malla is a DRR expert and activist. He holds a PhD from Kagawa University, Japan.
Effective Disaster Preparedness: Need of the Nation
Effective Disaster Preparedness: Need of the Nation

Recently, Turkey and Syria have been hit hard by a couple of powerful earthquakes. At the time of writing this piece, over 15,000 people had died and 6000 houses had been destroyed in these two neighboring countries according to the preliminary reports. Due to freezing weather conditions and snowfal...
Feb 11, 2023

Disaster Management Needs Priority
Disaster Management Needs Priority

In Nepal, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority should be accommodated under the office of the head of government. Only then can the constitutional mandate of ‘establishing disaster-resilient society via concerted effort of the federal, provincial and local governments’ be ac...
Jul 11, 2022