Neelam Dhanuse
Neelam Dhanuse
The author is rights activist working for gender equality and social inclusion in Nepal for nearly the past two decades.
Combating Gender-Based Violence in Nepal
Combating Gender-Based Violence in Nepal

The data indicates a troubling trend in which the majority of the offenders in gender-based violence cases are men. This emphasizes the importance of involving men and boys as essential change agents in the battle against gender-based violence.
Dec 10, 2023

FPTP Election: A Road Less Traveled by Women
FPTP Election: A Road Less Traveled by Women

Providing equal opportunity to women in elections is crucial to believe in women’s capacity and change stereotypes in politics.
Dec 15, 2022

Implications of low women representation in local polls
Implications of low women representation in local polls

Achieving gender equality is merely a dream with a limited share of women in decision making positions. Nepal has committed to equal opportunity in a sustainable manner. Limiting the opportunity of women in governing bodies is a sign of backlash and is deepening the gender equality gap.
May 12, 2022