Suman Siwakoti
Suman Siwakoti
The author is a corporate lawyer.
Fortifying Nepal's Cybersecurity: Analyzing Legislative Initiatives
Fortifying Nepal's Cybersecurity: Analyzing Legislative Init...

Though the bill has envisaged establishing a dedicated national cyber security center, doubt remains whether the center will appoint the right person in the right place, or will the center be a mere “center” for political appointment and a means to recruit “my person” as it remains in another existi...
Apr 02, 2024

Imperative of E-Commerce Legislation in Nepal
Imperative of E-Commerce Legislation in Nepal

The buzz about the E-commerce Bill is increasing day by day since the bill was tabled in parliament for deliberation. Though the buzz started back in 2021, the bill remained stagnant due to political changes in Nepal.
Aug 04, 2023

Will Netflix/YouTube Apply for license to operate in Nepal?
Will Netflix/YouTube Apply for license to operate in Nepal?

With the government amending the National Broadcasting Regulation 1995 recently, a key question has arisen - will foreign companies providing broadcasting services including OTT and VOD through the internet comply with the Regulation?
Mar 10, 2022

Digitization and Data Privacy in Nepal
Digitization and Data Privacy in Nepal

With a weak data privacy regime, Nepal is among the world’s least regulated data regimes putting forward an elevated obligation toward the regulator to rigorously work on drafting a regulation to regulate data privacy in Nepal.
Aug 08, 2021