Dr Prakash Budhathoky
The author is a treasurer at Central Executive Committee of Nepal Medical Association
Climate Change Effect on Health
Climate Change Effect on Health

Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 thousand deaths per year from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, and heat stress.
Dec 22, 2021

Boost Morale of Front-liners
Boost Morale of Front-liners

Our frontline healthcare workers have remained dedicated and risked their lives to fight against this pandemic. A few thousand of them have already been infected with the virus while working with coronavirus patients. They have worked long hours, sacrificed their personal time with the loved ones in...
Oct 08, 2021

Breastfeeding is the Natural Vaccine
Breastfeeding is the Natural Vaccine

Breastfed children are less likely to be obese or overweight and are less prone to non-communicable diseases later in life. Increasing breastfeeding to near-universal levels globally could save more than 820,000 lives and prevent an additional 20,000 cases of breast cancer in women each year.
Sep 02, 2021

Herd Immunity Key to End COVID-19
Herd Immunity Key to End COVID-19

Nobody is safe until everybody is safe. So a large chunk of the world population needs to be inoculated against COVID-19 so as to develop herd immunity in the population.
Jul 27, 2021

Understanding COVID-19: Dos and Don’ts
Understanding COVID-19: Dos and Don’ts

If the patient is given steroid (dexamethasone)/LMWH/antiviral at the onset of pneumonia (Day 3), mortality should be an exception and not a rule.
May 19, 2021

BLOG, Blog
Combating HIV AIDS
Combating HIV AIDS

Individuals can reduce the risk of infection by limiting exposure to risk factors.
Mar 04, 2021

BLOG, Blog
Take care of your mouth
Take care of your mouth
Studies have shown than mouthwash and toothpaste can help slow down Covid-19 transmission.
Dec 29, 2020
OPINION, Latest Updates
Expectations and reality
Expectations and reality

The budget of this fiscal year was unveiled on May 28 amid the threats of Covid-19 pandemic. Since then, discussions have taken place in the parliament and the political circles regarding whether the budget has addressed the need to develop quality health care infrastructures, medicines and equipmen...
Aug 21, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
How cult practices contributed to Covid-19 spread
How cult practices contributed to Covid-19 spread

Cult practices are found to be responsible for spread of infection in a number of countries.
Jul 09, 2020