SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Janakpur Provincial Hospital sealed following death of COVID-19 patient
Janakpur Provincial Hospital sealed following death of COVID...

JANAKPURDHAM, July 27: Emergency and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) wards at the Provincial Hospital in Janakpur have been sealed off following the death of a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patient.
Jul 27, 2020

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Indian man arrested for raping and murdering minor in Janakpur
Indian man arrested for raping and murdering minor in Janakp...

JANAKPUR, July 6: Police have arrested an Indian national for allegedly raping and murdering a minor, Kanchan Panjiyar.
Jul 06, 2020

SOCIETY, Coronavirus
COVID-19 patient runs away from Janakpur hospital
COVID-19 patient runs away from Janakpur hospital

JANAKPURDAM, May 24: A COVID-19 patient who was undergoing treatment at the Janakpur-based COVID-19 hospital fled on Sunday morning.
May 24, 2020

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Dhanusha liquor poisoning death toll rises to 21
Dhanusha liquor poisoning death toll rises to 21

JANAKPURDHAM, March 16: The death toll from Dhanusha's latest incident of alcohol poisoning following the consumption of toxic homemade liquor has risen to 21, local police said on Sunday.
Mar 16, 2020

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Dhanusha hooch tragedy toll hits 18; two dozen others in hospital
Dhanusha hooch tragedy toll hits 18; two dozen others in hos...
JANAKPUR, March 16: The death toll from last week’s hooch tragedy in Dhanusha district rose to 18 on Sunday, with more than two dozen others still undergoing treatment at hospitals.
Mar 16, 2020
SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Dhanusha liquor poisoning death toll rises to 17
Dhanusha liquor poisoning death toll rises to 17

JANAKPURDHAM, March 15: The death toll from Dhanusha's latest incident of alcohol poisoning following the consumption of toxic homemade liquor has risen to 17, local police said on Sunday.
Mar 15, 2020

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Five die, four critical after drinking moonshine
Five die, four critical after drinking moonshine
JANAKPUR, March 14: At least five persons have died after drinking moonshine at Dhanushadham Municipality-5 in Dhanusha district in the course of two days – Thursday and Friday. Likewise, four others are critically ill after consuming the liquor.
Mar 14, 2020
SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Six-lane road turns into a playground for children
Six-lane road turns into a playground for children

JANAKPUR, March 12: The recently blacktopped six-lane road between Janakpur and Jatahi looks vibrant with mushrooming shops alongside the road. People's activities have increased quite a lot since the last few months.
Mar 12, 2020