Atindra Dahal
Atindra Dahal
Are all PhDs worth?
Are all PhDs worth?

Education generates infinite virtues and values for overall betterment of humankind and nations. Notable classical oriental scholar and academician Confucius would gauge education on caliber of imparting virtues, wisdom, courtesy, skills and positive thoughts. But in recent decades, education has be...
Feb 23, 2020

Erosion of professors’ prestige
Erosion of professors’ prestige

In his book What the Best College Teachers Do Ken Bain says that professors are ‘university-based top-ranked expert academicians’ to extend then enforce knowledge and virtues. In Nepal too, professors are co-positioned with the first-class bureaucrats in merit. Such a distinguished position automati...
Feb 02, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
In defense of social media regulation
In defense of social media regulation
Our socio-political situation always and noticeably remits one or another controversial issue to the people, who love to engage in an endless debate. MCC was the talk of the town, and still is. The proposed bill on information technology—mentioned as IT Bill—has hogged the media space and engaged th...
Jan 11, 2020