Heema Rai
Heema Rai
OPINION, Latest Updates
Bleeding is natural
Bleeding is natural
A female colleague of mine came rushing over to me and said in a whisper, “you have the stain on your back.” I instinctively knew what stain she was talking about. I was having my period, and somehow despite being careful there are always those times when the “stain” shows off.
Nov 09, 2019
The Week
IN PICTURES: Above the clouds
IN PICTURES: Above the clouds

Mundum is an orally passed down heritage of the indigenous Kirat people which guides their rites, culture, and life in lieu of written religious texts. Khotang, Bhojpur, Solukhumbu and Okhaldhunga in Eastern Nepal are the primary domains of the mundum following Kirat people.
May 03, 2019