Rishi Ram Paudyal
Rishi Ram Paudyal
OPINION, Latest Updates
Digital teaching is not easy
Digital teaching is not easy

With COVID-19, the scope of teaching and learning has drastically changed all over the world. Real face-to-face education delivery has all changed into virtual classrooms and interactions. This has posed more challenges than opportunities, especially in the developing and poor nations.
Jun 15, 2020

Teaching by mentoring
Teaching by mentoring

As I was walking to college, I felt I could help students improve English by mentoring them. By utilizing my break time, I could contribute at least a little, I thought. I decided I would take only one student as my mentee. The mentor and mentee would work extra time at their will. If there would be...
Feb 17, 2020

Teaching with rubrics
Teaching with rubrics

Use of rubrics is growing day by day due to its effectiveness in teaching. But most teachers in Nepal, I presume, have little idea about it. I wish to share some information about designing and implementing rubrics while teaching, not as an expert, but as a learner-teacher.
Jan 25, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Guilty pleasure
Guilty pleasure
Can pleasures be guilty? Or can a pleasure make a person feel guilty? In an article published in The New York Times on July 1, 2019, Micaela Marini Higgs mentions Sami Schalk, an assistant professor of gender and women’s studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as saying “guilty pleasure is so...
Jan 12, 2020
Teach with research
Teach with research

To meet the needs of 21st century in education, teachers have to become efficient in research-based teaching. The word ‘research’ might be intimidating for many teachers due to its fearful preconception that it is time-consuming, expensive, boring and frustrating. However, research carried out by te...
Dec 29, 2019

Begin with words
Begin with words

It’s December 11, 2019, Wednesday. As I write this it’s past midnight. Just in six hours, I have a lesson. It is winter and not that easy for students to arrive early in the morning and stay in the class, but they do. I have to appreciate the students for their desire to learn and their dedication c...
Dec 14, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
A glimpse of a book
A glimpse of a book

Sanjeev Uprety has rightly depicted the social phenomenon of Nepali people. The narrator’s wife goes to America through DV lottery and finds herself out of the frying pan into the fire
Nov 30, 2019

Project-based learning
Project-based learning

Project Based Learning (PBL) is lately widely used in education as it makes learning livelier for students and can be used to achieve real goal. However, PBL trend is not altogether a new approach. As mentioned by Du, X M and Han, J (2016) in their article the history of PBL can be traced back to th...
Nov 17, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Teaching through poetry
Teaching through poetry

Use of poetry in English language teaching at educational institutions appears to be very uncommon practice in Nepal. There are several reasons behind this. First, there are people who don’t see much value of it. They see value in learning math, science, engineering, and information technology that...
Nov 03, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Teaching beyond textbooks
Teaching beyond textbooks

I was on my mission to do an action research. I entered a school with a great enthusiasm that I would find out what they needed. After talking to the principal of the school where adult students of varying ages were studying, a deal was struck. For a week I would teach in grade 7, 8, 9 and 10 and fr...
Oct 24, 2019