Paras Kharel
Paras Kharel
The author is a Research Director at South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment, Kathmandu
Misreading savings
Misreading savings
When the basics are not gotten right, analysis becomes wonky and the resulting policy misguided. We can then only pray for Lord Pashupatinath to come to the rescue. It is fashionable among the commentariat, the intelligentsia and the political class to sigh in despair over how little of the remittan...
Sep 15, 2019
Migration from facts
Migration from facts

Importance of work-related outmigration and remittances for Nepali economy warrants setting up a credible, frequently updated database on the stock of migrants by destination
Jul 31, 2019

Curious case of sugar quota
Curious case of sugar quota

The case for sheltering sugar mills behind a quota, or a tariff, wall in order to safeguard the livelihoods of sugarcane farmers rests on shaky grounds
Oct 11, 2018

Trading through China
Trading through China

A transit agreement with China was a long time coming. Nepal should have pursued one in the aftermath of the 1989-90 blockade by India
Oct 02, 2018