Kabi Adhikari
Kabi Adhikari
Invest in research
Invest in research

Recently, the government has registered Policy Research Institute (PRI) Bill 2019 in Upper House to promote good governance by formulating government policies based on research. In the previous days such centers would work like Social Welfare Council under the development committee. The recent bill...
Feb 08, 2020

Prospects of connectivity
Prospects of connectivity

The Central and South Asian regions have deep socio-cultural and geo-economic ties. Both have a long history of economic and cultural connections after people from Central Asia migrated to South Asia. Consequently, cultural and religious influences extended in both regions.
Dec 22, 2019

Serve the people first
Serve the people first

The strong government formed for five years will be no different from past governments if it fails to address dissatisfactions among people and within the party
Mar 20, 2019

Undoing traffic jam
Undoing traffic jam

Reckless driving results in horrible consequences. Only effective penalty will discourage such behaviors. The concerned authority should take necessary action against the individuals accused in these cases.
Interestingly, while the number of drivers penalized for violating traffic rules is increasi...
Feb 10, 2019

Let women work
Let women work

Our society does not encourage women to develop entrepreneurship skill even if they are capable of doing so
Dec 22, 2018

Refocus on agriculture
Refocus on agriculture

Government should bring policies to bring back our youths and engage them in gainful agricultural enterprises
Nov 13, 2018

Together for tourism
Together for tourism

Visit Nepal 2020 is going to gain fair amount of global attention. But will we be able to brand it internationally?
Sep 19, 2018

Chasing prosperity
Chasing prosperity

What the people need at the moment is the immediate relief from pressing problems like heavy traffic, muddy roads and air pollution
Aug 15, 2018