Suresh Sharma
Suresh Sharma
The author, former Spokesperson of Nepal Army, is Chief Executive Officer at Nepal Institute for Strategic Studies
Assessing military diplomacy
Assessing military diplomacy
Naravane’s visit has been seen as a significant event as it comes at a time when relations between India and Nepal are at low ends especially after Nepal issued a new map.
Nov 01, 2020
The strategy of isolating China is flawed
The strategy of isolating China is flawed

The American strategy of isolating China and thus making it weaker cannot ensure greater good.
Oct 09, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Fear of war at LAC
Fear of war at LAC

The memories of fierce clash between Chinese PLA and Indian militaries in Galwan of June remain. And yet fresh tension has emerged at Line of Actual Control (LAC). The Indian military is now caught in an uncertainty as to where the agreement of status quo with Chinese forces will end. The chase for...
Sep 10, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates, Coronavirus
It's still possible to control the Covid-19 threats
It's still possible to control the Covid-19 threats

Covid-19 has inflicted casualty not only on human beings but all other sectors—economic, social and psychological—with immense fear of uncertainty in everyone’s mind. No one knows when it will end. Experts predict that the entire world would suffer. Poor countries like Nepal will surely suffer the m...
Aug 18, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
What became of Rishiman?
What became of Rishiman?

India’s reluctance to heed Nepal’s appeal to resolve Kalapani issue diplomatically has exasperated Nepali people in and outside the country. The facts support the claim of Nepal on Kalapani, Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura. The world has come know to know about it.
Aug 08, 2020

Use of fake news to disparage China
Use of fake news to disparage China

Psychologists Gordon Pennycook and David Rand claim “only unexpected information can filter through to higher stages of processing” because human responses gradually reduce ability to examine reliability of same information and the brain finally learns they are true. The common citizens do not have...
Jul 03, 2020

Lesson from Galwan
Lesson from Galwan

Few weeks ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping instructed PLA to “prepare for war.” No one knows, till today, what he meant. After this, the Indo-China Line of Actual Control (LAC) border remained tense in Sikkim and later in Ladakh. The consistent US provocation against China always sounded the alarm...
Jun 17, 2020

India should be ready to resolve border issue
India should be ready to resolve border issue

Despite several calls from Nepal to resolve Kalapani issue, Eminent Persons Group (EPG ) report and others, India’s higher decision making echelon has not showed much interest to address the border issue. India has often pointed to the existing mechanism at foreign secretary level. If such attitude...
May 17, 2020

Fear the threat
Fear the threat

Few days ago, a person claiming to belong to ‘banned’ communist party called me for some monetary assistance for his party. He had misunderstood me for a manpower supplier to foreign countries. I said that he was calling a wrong number. A follow up to that call has not arrived yet. But this is the i...
Feb 16, 2020

Unsettling times
Unsettling times

Since the time of George Bush Jr, the concept of ‘Global Policeman’ for mending international order has received more negative than positive response for its vested interest in others’ affairs. Iraq, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Ukraine and Palestine are the exam...
Dec 15, 2019