Sakun Gajurel
Remembering Nepal Earthquakes while living through Covid-19 crisis in Italy
Remembering Nepal Earthquakes while living through Covid-19...

Two weeks have passed since 25 April: the date that has stayed in Nepalis’ memory as one of the darkest days in our history. These past couple of weeks, I cannot help but be emotional thinking back to what we suffered five years ago. The unexpected earthquakes stuck Nepal killing over 9,000 people,...
May 14, 2020

Ending the stigma of menstruation
Ending the stigma of menstruation

Globally, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is celebrated every year on 25 November. On this occasion, the United Nations launched sixteen days of activism to advocate for gender equality and elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls. Statistically,...
Dec 16, 2019

Reimagining SEE
Reimagining SEE

Exams like SEE should be meant for graduating and sending-off our young ones to explore their future rather than finding a reason to hold them back
Mar 27, 2018

Need for paradigm shift
Need for paradigm shift

International Women’s Day is being celebrated today throughout the country through various initiatives by the government, international development agencies, universities, schools and civil society organizations.
Mar 08, 2018