Dominique Moisi
dominique moisi
Containing the anger virus
Containing the anger virus

PARIS – The small landlocked Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, which lies between China and India, is not only a tourist mecca. The country has also long pioneered the concept of “gross national happiness” (GNH), which its architects regard as far more comprehensive and accurate than the conventional mea...
Jun 07, 2020

The West’s Pandemic of Fear
The West’s Pandemic of Fear

PARIS – Emotions are not easily contained. They control us much more than we control them. And during a pandemic, the dominant emotion is naturally fear.
Apr 01, 2020

Tale of Two Demagogues
Tale of Two Demagogues

PARIS – “America loves India,” declared US President Donald Trump on his recent visit to the Indian state of Gujarat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s power base. Before a crowd of more than 100,000 in the world’s largest cricket stadium, the two leaders triumphantly celebrated the deepening friendshi...
Mar 02, 2020

Geopolitics of Holocaust Memory
Geopolitics of Holocaust Memory

PARIS – The 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army is an occasion marked by angst as well as sadness. Anti-Semitism is back with a vengeance around the world, as if the lessons of the Holocaust had evaporated with time—or, even worse, had never been fully integrated into our...
Feb 05, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Israel’s Democracy Fatigue
Israel’s Democracy Fatigue
JERUSALEM – If any Western country is suffering from democratic dysfunction, it is Israel. With the country’s political leaders having again failed to form a government following the most recent parliamentary election in September, voters will head back to the polls in March 2020 for the third time...
Jan 21, 2020
OPINION, Latest Updates
Macron’s NATO mistake
Macron’s NATO mistake

Although Macron has an ideal vision of what Europe needs to become, he should not encourage the deconstruction of NATO, nor deepen divisions among Europeans.
Dec 09, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
The spirit of 2019
The spirit of 2019

PARIS – As in 1848, 1968, 1989, and 2010-2012, a wave of popular protests has taken the world by surprise. Ongoing mass revolts-in Beirut, Santiago, Hong Kong, Algiers, Baghdad, and other cities—are gaining strength and wrong footing governments. But although the temptation to seek historical compar...
Nov 03, 2019

Will democracy die last?
Will democracy die last?

PARIS – In the late 1970s and early 1980s, prominent international relations experts such as the late French political philosopher Pierre Hassner argued that the world was witnessing a process of competitive decay between the United States and the Soviet Union. For the latter, the conflict in Afghan...
Aug 25, 2019

Is Von Der Leyen the leader Europe Needs?
Is Von Der Leyen the leader Europe Needs?

Many European observers wonder whether Ursula von der Leyen has the right combination of charisma, stamina, resilience, and political inventiveness to be the leader Europe needs
Aug 08, 2019

Money can’t buy love
Money can’t buy love

Palestinians still cling to the hope that demographic trends mean time is on their side. But, in the meantime, prospects for peace in the region seem vanishingly slim
Jul 03, 2019