Pratap Sharma
pratap sharma
OPINION, Latest Updates
How Nepali women were misled into Maoist conflict
How Nepali women were misled into Maoist conflict

Using women in guerilla wars and revolutions is not a new thing, and there are examples of this in Ethiopia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, and Algeria. Women were important part of Nepal’s Maoist movement, and propaganda of female soldiers holding rifles were used as a symbol of a uni...
Sep 16, 2019

Movement against rape
Movement against rape

When rapes happen, it is not the abuser who is punished, rather victims are blamed, and they may even be ostracized
Nov 26, 2018

Maoist betrayal
Maoist betrayal

As Maoist leaders are turning their back on real issues, former Maoist activists and general people take Maoist revolution as an act of great betrayal
Jun 10, 2018

With reservation
With reservation

Reservation in Nepal is taking a wrong turn compared to other countries which have practiced it. This should be corrected
May 20, 2018

Politics of narcissism
Politics of narcissism

Narcissistic leaders focus on themselves and their self-interests, even at the expense
of the citizens. They are arrogant, authoritarian, and hostile to anyone they view as a threat
Apr 15, 2018

The mob psyche
The mob psyche

Peaceful mobs have been known to roar as loudly as violent ones, and to accomplish just as much
Jan 12, 2017