Meena Bhatta
meena bhatta
Why parties split
Why parties split

One major reason why political parties are unable to lead the change is because they are not yet ready to transfer power to people
Feb 07, 2019

Politics for power
Politics for power

Nepal’s political parties, despite doing a lot for political change, have not been able to develop much-needed political culture
Oct 23, 2018

Elusive road to justice
Elusive road to justice

Political commitment to justice process is the only way out to looming transition of transitional justice process in Nepal
Aug 12, 2018

Hold fast to reality
Hold fast to reality

What kind of prosperity and development are we aiming for? Where do quality
infrastructure and efficient human resources feature in this development narrative?
Jun 11, 2018

Redefining leadership
Redefining leadership

It would be unwise to put entire blame on political leadership and criticize the system without reflecting on our own activities.
May 17, 2018

Pitfalls of power
Pitfalls of power

No matter how strong, Oli government must follow constitution, rule of law and democratic processes, which together shape a just and stable society
Mar 22, 2018

Whither civic sense?
Whither civic sense?
The better educated our citizens are, the better equipped they will be to foster good
Jan 07, 2018
Male chambers
Male chambers

Only six of 165 candidates picked for House of Representatives under FPTP are women, which comes to a paltry 3.63 percent
Dec 24, 2017

Making it work
Making it work

Apart from being a step toward implementing constitution, local elections mark the first step to institutionalizing federalism.
Aug 01, 2017

Democratic deficit
Democratic deficit

Politicians of Nepal, which has seen 26 government changes in 27 years, must consider themselves lucky
Jun 13, 2017