Bjørn Lomborg
bjørn lomborg
Empty Gestures on Climate Change
Empty Gestures on Climate Change

MALMÖ – Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs, wash your clothes in cold water, eat less meat, recycle more, and buy an electric car: we are being bombarded with instructions from climate campaigners, environmentalists, and the media about the everyday steps we all must take to tackle climate chang...
Dec 29, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Humans can survive underwater
Humans can survive underwater

DALLAS – The latest alarming news about climate change is that huge swaths of densely inhabited land will be underwater by 2050, with their cities “erased.” These reports—which appeared in The New York Times and many other media outlets—are based on a good research paper by scientists at Climate Cen...
Nov 26, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Why family planning is a smart investment
Why family planning is a smart investment

PRAGUE – Political crises, scandals, and dysfunction continue to dominate the global news agenda. Unsurprisingly, therefore, many people missed the United Kingdom’s announcement last month that it will spend £600 million ($779 million) to provide 20 million more women and girls in the developing wor...
Oct 24, 2019

How climate policies hurt the poor
How climate policies hurt the poor

NEW YORK – Over the past 25 years, nearly 1.2 billion people around the world have been lifted out of poverty, while both malnutrition and the risk of death from air pollution have decreased. Taken together, these achievements are nothing short of a miracle. But two global trends now threaten to slo...
Sep 29, 2019

Danger of climate doomsayers
Danger of climate doomsayers

Doom and gloom distort our worldview and can lead to bad policies. The future is bright, and we need smart decisions to keep it so
Aug 28, 2019

The nutrition challenge
The nutrition challenge

The world has made huge progress in combating mass starvation over the past 30 years. Yet, globally, food deprivation still claims a child’s life every three seconds
Jul 24, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Why GDP still matters
Why GDP still matters

GDP remains the single best indicator to guide government policies. Ignoring it in favor of alternative measures of wellbeing is likely to lower people’s overall quality of life
Jun 25, 2019

Cheaper to talk
Cheaper to talk

Empty rhetoric that ignores economic reality and common sense will not help the planet
May 26, 2019

World Bank must change course
World Bank must change course

BRUSSELS – Critics have called new World Bank president David Malpass an arsonist in charge of a fire department, because of past comments he made on Bank salaries and loans to China. But it’s far more important to focus on improving progress toward the World Bank’s core mission of ending extreme po...
Apr 15, 2019

On global warming
On global warming

A truly global poll shows that climate change is people’s lowest priority, far behind health
Mar 17, 2019