Nina L. Khrushcheva
nina l. khrushcheva
G.I. Joe Trotsky
G.I. Joe Trotsky

NEW YORK – Leon Trotsky may not claim a mass following nowadays, but the revolutionary tactics that he pioneered remain very much in use, and not only by communists or in today’s Russia, where they are called “political technology.” One such tactic, known as “entryism” – when members of an extremist...
Apr 23, 2021

Can Navalny take down Putin?
Can Navalny take down Putin?

As the Kremlin’s response to the protests has shown, Putin and the state are one and the same. That makes toppling him a particularly difficult proposition.
Feb 14, 2021

Who profits from the assault on American democracy?
Who profits from the assault on American democracy?

Trump intentionally and directly incited the insurrection of January 6. But he does not bear sole responsibility. Every one of his enablers, and the enablers of his enablers, is guilty.
Jan 18, 2021

Ten hours that shook America
Ten hours that shook America

For the first time in the country’s history, a defeated incumbent president summoned a mob to intimidate Congress into violating the US constitution to keep him in power.
Jan 08, 2021

From Dreyfus to the Donald
From Dreyfus to the Donald
NEW YORK – Having fled the country to escape punishment for a statutory-rape conviction in 1977, Franco-Polish filmmaker Roman Polanski remains a pariah in the United States. But that doesn’t mean he can’t offer a good read of the place. His latest film, An Officer and a Spy, masterfully captures th...
Mar 16, 2020
When Leninists overreach
When Leninists overreach

As with Putin, overreach seems to be Xi’s default position nowadays, judging by his handling of the trade war and aggressive behavior toward China’s neighbors
Aug 19, 2019

Women on top in democracies
Women on top in democracies

In today’s world, men continue to hold disproportionate power. But, judging by the fast-growing number of women on the political stage, the days of male supremacy are numbered
Jul 28, 2019

Should Russians hug Chinese?
Should Russians hug Chinese?

Putin and Xi are vying for global leadership in challenging the United States and the West, and both are channeling their ruthless predecessors in the process
Jun 12, 2019

New President’s move
New President’s move

If exposing the Trump administration’s intrigues makes one an “enemy of the US” one hopes it is a badge Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky remains willing to wear
May 30, 2019

Trumping of Ukraine
Trumping of Ukraine

Ukraine is reprising the same bizarre story that brought Trump to power in 2016
Mar 12, 2019