Kamal Khatri
kamal khatri
ECONOMY, Latest Updates
Potato farmers to incur losses of Rs 1 billion due to winter rains
Potato farmers to incur losses of Rs 1 billion due to winter...

BANKE, Jan 18: Potato farmers in Banke and Bardiya districts are facing losses of Rs 1 billion due to excessive winter rain. Potato production in these districts is likely to decline by 50% this season. The excessive winter rain has continued even in January which will furthermore affect the product...
Jan 18, 2020

ECONOMY, Latest Updates
There is no loss in agriculture, says a Banke farmer
There is no loss in agriculture, says a Banke farmer

BANKE, Dec 8: “There is no loss in the occupation of agriculture. It may not give you big money, but there is no loss," is what Lal Bahadur Khatri, a farmer based in Khajura in Banke, thinks.
Dec 08, 2019

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
‘Dead’ baby found alive right before burial
‘Dead’ baby found alive right before burial

BANKE, Sept 14: Hours after Bheri Zonal Hospital declared a newborn dead, the baby was found to be alive by family members just before performing the final rites. The incident took place in Nepalgunj on Friday morning.
Sep 14, 2019

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Hours after Bheri Hospital confirmed dead, newborn found alive just before final rites
Hours after Bheri Hospital confirmed dead, newborn found ali...

BANKE, Sept 13: Hours after Bheri Hospital declared a newborn dead, the baby was found to be alive by family members just before performing final rites in Nepalgunj on Friday morning.
Sep 13, 2019

NSC fails to release report on 8th National Games
NSC fails to release report on 8th National Games
NEPALGUNJ, Aug 2: National Sports Council (NSC) has failed to release the details of the expenses and progress report of the eighth National Games which was held in Province 5, few months ago.
Aug 02, 2019
Overharvesting of yarsa harming nature, culture of Dolpa
Overharvesting of yarsa harming nature, culture of Dolpa

DOLPA, July 5: Every year after mid-May, crowds of people throng Dolpa - the largest district of the country - in order to pick yarsagumba, a prized fungus with medicinal properties. Everyone seems to be in a rush to collect as many yarsa as possible to make more money.
Jul 06, 2019

Province 5 sport body’s Oli ‘favored’ own village in constructions
Province 5 sport body’s Oli ‘favored’ own village in constru...

BANKE, June 4: The hype generated by the eighth national games held in Nepalgunj has not died down even a month after the event. The week-long games organized by the National Sports Council (NSC) ended up gifting several physical infrastructures for the development of sports in Province 5. But on th...
Jun 04, 2019

Sickle cell patients struggle for treatment as hospital fails to repair machine
Sickle cell patients struggle for treatment as hospital fail...

BANKE, May 16: Sickle cell anemia has emerged as a critical health problem in western Tarai due to lack of proper medical equipment for the treatment of this inherited condition. Patients have been left helpless since the machine used in the treatment of this chronic illness stopped operating at Bhe...
May 16, 2019

Swimming pool fails to meet int’l requirement
Swimming pool fails to meet int’l requirement

NEPALGUNJ, April 22: Nepalgunj’s swimming pool complex has failed to meet the international standard even after its supposed completion during the Eighth National Games in Nepalgunj, Banke on Sunday.
Apr 22, 2019

Adhikari embraces her new journey in volleyball
Adhikari embraces her new journey in volleyball

NEPALGUNJ, April 22: It was a strange moment Saturday for Nepal’s national volleyball player Kripa Adhikari to prepare for a volleyball match against Province 3, which features majority of New Diamond Academy players -- her former teammates -- in the ongoing Eighth National Games at under-constructi...
Apr 22, 2019