Shraddha Amatya
Clear provision to ensure freedom of expression on internet sought
Clear provision to ensure freedom of expression on internet...
KATHMANDU, Aug 3: Common citizens are harassed and charged with public offence cases due to lack of clear and comprehensive policy and laws, according to a new research report.
Aug 03, 2016
Rooftop farming on rise in Kathmandu
Rooftop farming on rise in Kathmandu
KATHMANDU, Aug 2: Saili Thulung Rai, a resident of Chabahil, talks excitedly about the pleasure she gets from having vegetables grown on the top of her home. Her family enjoys organically grown vegetables at her own house at least once a month.
Aug 02, 2016
Private initiatives for flood relief underway
Private initiatives for flood relief underway

KATHMANDU, July 29: Citizens, organizations and groups are jumping in to help the floods and landslides affected people in various parts of the country.
Jul 29, 2016

Efforts to enforce ban on plastic bags to resume
Efforts to enforce ban on plastic bags to resume
KATHMANDU, JULY 18: The government has yet again vowed to strictly enforce the ban on plastic bags.
Jul 18, 2016
Religious leaders gather to commend secularism in Nepal
Religious leaders gather to commend secularism in Nepal
KATHMNADU, July 11: Religious leaders from the Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Sikh and Muslim communities were unanimous in commending secularism in the country on Saturday. Stating that they now feel more equal in the country, the leaders said that secularism ensures religious harmony.
Jul 11, 2016
Child marriage still rampant: Report
Child marriage still rampant: Report
KATHMANDU, July 5: Although child marriage is illegal in Nepal, it is still practiced in various parts of the country. Kapilvastu and Rupandehi, two tarai districts, have the highest rate of child marriage among all the districts in the country.
Jul 05, 2016
KMC becoming canine-friendly
KMC becoming canine-friendly

Our metropolitan is home to a huge number of street animals, especially dogs and cows that feed on feed mostly on the leftovers. Concerns about animal rights and the need to protect them have been raised often by some organization working in this sector, but so far these calls have gone unattended.
Jun 28, 2016