Kalu Maila
The Week
Festival fun
Festival fun

I like Tihar more than Dashain. Dashain is like a week-long break and you get bored after a day or two unless you decide to go to one of those ASEAN countries during the festive season. Then, even a week is not enough.
Nov 02, 2018

The Week
Dashain aayo (again)
Dashain aayo (again)

A lot of folks seem to celebrate Dashain abroad these days. Half of the people I know have plans to go to Thailand this year too because the package deal is just too good to ignore. I had also taken my wife to Bangkok a few years ago but the usual four nights five days package is not a good deal for...
Oct 12, 2018

The Week
Changing times
Changing times

You know Teej is around the corner when you start hearing new Teej songs on radio, TV, and even YouTube. If you ask young people about Teej today, they will tell you that it is all about drinking, eating, dancing, and having a good time. Yes, our women also need a break now and then and they need to...
Sep 14, 2018

The Week
The basics of business
The basics of business

I think investors in this country should at least have a five-year plan instead of a five-month plan. Many folks invest in something and want a return on their investment from the next month. Any venture needs time to grow and my successful failures have taught me that you need to give at least two...
Aug 31, 2018

The Week
The joys of fatherhood
The joys of fatherhood

I became a father three months ago. Since then, my life has completely changed. Many years ago, when in college, I used to tell my professors that my goal in life was to be a good houseman, whatever that meant. One day, I would get married then after that I would be a stay-at-home dad, read newspape...
Aug 03, 2018

The Week
Welcome back (not)
Welcome back (not)

A friend of mine is back home after a decade of living in the West. Some people do change. I too lived in the West for a decade and I’m one of those unlucky ones whose accent did not change at all. I still speak English with my Nepali accent while some of my friends became New Yorkers or a Geordie f...
Jul 20, 2018

The Week
Game on!
Game on!

My wife is a big fan of Messi like billions of folks around the world. She thinks that in her previous life she was an Argentinian. Now, it’s my turn to roll my eyes and look at her as if she is crazy. It’s funny that I have been a big fan of England since the 90s and my wife has to choose a country...
Jul 06, 2018

The Week
Everybody needs a Crown
Everybody needs a Crown

The other day, I was at a café with a friend of mine talking politics. I guess that's what men do when they meet for coffee because nothing else is worth talking about when there are pressing matters of the state to discuss.
Mar 23, 2018

The Week
When I grow up
When I grow up

When I was a kid I used to go around the neighborhood trying to prick other kids with either stones or sticks. I was busy playing doctor at the age of four. The whole neighborhood thought that I would actually become a doctor someday.
Feb 23, 2018

The Week
The flaws of Facebook
The flaws of Facebook

My wife loves Facebook. I don’t. My wife gets all the news from her Facebook links while I think most of the news links you click from Facebook pages are fake ones. Yes, that’s the only thing on which I agree with Trump but, of course, the Orange Man doesn’t like the mainstream media except a few th...
Feb 09, 2018