Richard N Haass
My City, Entertainment
‘Lost Leonardo’ unpeels the mysteries of the Salvator Mundi
‘Lost Leonardo’ unpeels the mysteries of the Salvator Mundi

We’re accustomed to movies — usually adventures, like “Indiana Jones” — with lines that traverse the globe and pinball between global capitals, showing us where our characters are traveling. “The Lost Leonardo,” a documentary about the rediscovery of a Leonardo da Vinci painting, begins with such a...
Aug 12, 2021

A realist reset for US-Saudi relations
A realist reset for US-Saudi relations

President Joe Biden’s administration appears determined to separate America's relationship with the Kingdom from the relationship with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. But this separation will likely prove impossible to sustain.
Mar 08, 2021

Whither US foreign policy?
Whither US foreign policy?

Biden voiced strong criticism of Chinese behavior, but also noted a desire to work with Xi’s regime when it is in America’s interest to do so. China will have to decide whether it is prepared to reciprocate in the face of US criticism, sanctions, and export restrictions on sensitive technology.
Feb 10, 2021

Donald Trump’s costly legacy
Donald Trump’s costly legacy

Donald Trump is handing off a country and a world in far worse condition than he inherited. That is his distressing legacy.
Jan 13, 2021

Supply chains and demand
Supply chains and demand

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed that interconnectedness brings benefits as well as risks to us all. In order to address some of these risks, supply chains will need to be rethought, with more emphasis put on supplier diversification, domestic production, and stockpiling.
Dec 18, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
The UN’s unhappy birthday
The UN’s unhappy birthday
The United Nations has fallen far short of its goals to “maintain international peace and security,” “develop friendly relations among nations’’ and “achieve international cooperation in solving international problems.”
Sep 12, 2020
OPINION, Latest Updates
To the brink with China
To the brink with China

A cold war between the United States and China would leave both countries and the world worse off. It would be dangerous and costly.
Aug 16, 2020

The world waits for no country
The world waits for no country

NEW YORK – The United States finds itself confronting several daunting challenges simultaneously. There is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has already claimed nearly 120,000 lives and shows little sign of abating in large swaths of the country. The economic impact has been devastating, with some 40 mil...
Jun 16, 2020

Deglobalization and its discontents
Deglobalization and its discontents

NEW YORK – Increasing global interconnection—growing cross-border flows of people, goods, energy, emails, television and radio signals, data, drugs, terrorists, weapons, carbon dioxide, food, dollars, and, of course, viruses (both biological or software)—has been a defining feature of the modern wor...
May 19, 2020

At War With a Virus
At War With a Virus

NEW YORK – US President Donald Trump has labeled himself a wartime president, and many others around the world are using similar language. It’s a description that raises an obvious question: What does the history and nature of war tell us about fighting a virus?
Apr 09, 2020